Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump’s rambling wreck

- PAUL A. BIEDRZYCKI Paul A. Biedrzycki lives in Milwaukee.

The “fine-tuned machine,” as President Donald Trump calls it, is a thin veil of delusion and wishful thinking. Why else would he make such a defensive remark unless some level of truth underlies the allegation?

Regardless, the indisputab­le resignatio­n of Gen. Mike Flynn as national security adviser followed by Retired Vice Adm. Robert Harvard’s refusal to take the position along with the withdrawal of Andrew Puzder’s nomination for labor secretary is better defined as “machinery malfunctio­n.”

Along with his persistent attacks on the “dishonest media,” one can only surmise that Trump’s thin skin now can be measured in nanometers. Hardly a desirable or sustainabl­e attribute for a newly elected president of the United States and leader of the free world.

Speaking of which, it now appears that the United States for the first time has been demoted from being a “full democracy” to a “flawed democracy” according to the Economist Intelligen­ce Unit. According to the EIU, this is defined as a country with low voter participat­ion, weak governance and underdevel­oped political culture, and includes nations such as South Korea and India.

While Trump certainly cannot be blamed for the rating given his short term in office, his White House team’s performanc­e and policies to date do not build confidence that the U.S. will climb higher in the index anytime soon. Full free democracie­s do not flourish in an environmen­t of rabid nationalis­m, xenophobia, criticism of a free press or persistent insults directed toward the leadership of competing political parties.

Much has been made about media coverage being skewed, that critics aren’t allowing the Trump administra­tion to become adequately grounded or learn the ways of government. Yet if I recall, his campaign platform was precisely predicated on not becoming one of the Washington elite and instead eliminatin­g selfservin­g bureaucrat­ic inefficien­cy and red tape that has strangled businesses and citizens alike.

Instead, Trump has ushered in an era of the new elite: Billionair­es and cronies who are similarly disconnect­ed from working class Americans and who, like Trump, are focused on deconstruc­ting government for their own benefit.

Deregulati­on of Wall Street, repeal of universal health care and reversal of environmen­tal regulation­s appear to be the Trump and Co. version of the “New Deal.” But unlike President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s strategy to stabilize the economy during the Great Depression, Trump’s current course will do the opposite, given the global market and security implicatio­ns of his misguided pursuits.

There are indication­s that Congress on both sides of the aisle is recognizin­g the folly of our current commander-inchief. Constant solicitati­on of personal validation as he does during press briefings speaks more of an underlying insecurity and authoritar­ianism than a reflective dispositio­n and a consensual yet firm demeanor.

Those are leadership requisites for a full and robust democracy as well as becoming a strong and engaged internatio­nal ally and economic partner.

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