Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Best Trump defense: just give us the facts

- GREGG KISHLINE Gregg Kishline lives in Kenosha.

The news media need to step away from a bad habit they have developed in recent years: presenting analysis and opinion as objective news.

The media present analysts determined to shape public opinion — explaining to the average American how to view events and what to think. I can handle that for myself. All of us would be better served by a free press that pursues the facts and asks for accountabi­lity — a pursuit that’s honest, accurate and objective.

Two principles that get lost too often: the rule of law and intoleranc­e for factual error.

After several contentiou­s presidenci­es, the free press in this country should strive to be objective — to remain factual, to tell the complete story and to let those facts speak for themselves.

Be honest and label opinion as opinion. The alternativ­e — a contentiou­s debate that only results in deflection and distractio­n — allows the real dialogue to get hijacked. The core issues escape. Freedom loses, and we get bogged down in shouting matches. Ultimately, tyrants with loud voices arise. We become a divided nation, less able to govern ourselves.

President Donald Trump exaggerate­s and operates without filters — he has a lot to learn. He could start by listening. No chief executive ever learned anything while talking.

Trump focuses on symptoms, leaving root causes unaddresse­d. He is contentiou­s. He thrives on conflict. He bullies. He is authoritar­ian and intolerant. He claims he alone has the answers and we should be grateful he is a leader.

Are you seeing journalist­s rising in response to this president’s odd behavior? Are you seeing the media engaged in a squabble, defending themselves from his broadsides? Or are are you simply watching the news that is unemotiona­l, objective and reporting the who, what, when, where and why of the day’s events?

Based on his performanc­e, Trump has some gaps in his interperso­nal skills, and he does not understand some basic principles:

Conflicts of interest affect his ability to perform in office.

There is a difference between campaign rhetoric and presidenti­al consistenc­y, which is under constant scrutiny.

A president needs a tough hide or he risks losing focus.

An inclusive president seeks consensus, not division.

An effective president tries to sift out value, not surround himself with “yes” people.

This nation operates under the rule of law, not personal preference.

When you create win-lose situations, there always will be resentment on the losing side.

I am saddened that the American voters put Trump in office, although my greater disappoint­ment is that the twoparty system offered up two such unqualifie­d candidates.

Reminder to the free press: Do the news and develop your own tough hide. Plow forward and focus on the principles of good journalism. Engaging this president on a personal level is to feed the beast. Let him stand in the ring, alone.

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