Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Sliding into swampland


Are we aware that democracy cannot exist without a free press? That the “people’s right to know” is an integral, sacred component of what American values are? That blocking of any news agency from attending a presidenti­al news meeting will render our citizens uninformed, or will not maintain a value structure treasured by this country (“News outlets barred from White House press briefing,” Feb. 25)?

That being flippant regarding our valued CIA revelation­s (hacking during the presidenti­al election), does not pass the smell test? That building a several billion dollar wall will not really secure our porous borders? That banning the people of seven countries from entering the United states will not guarantee there will no be terrorists in this country? That continuing to disregard the pollution of our air and water will not keep us and our planet safe?

That to divert public money away from public schools to private schools renders lame the great public school engine, which has contribute­d immeasurab­ly to making America great?

We implore those who have been elected to represent us to devote themselves to reverse decisions which, I believe, are creating a deep and dangerous swampland. Our great republic must honor what has made America great.

Suffice it to say: America the Great appears, in my opinion, to be in jeopardy, sliding down a slippery slope toward Swamp Land because of the above mentioned and many unmentione­d president’s decisions.

Joanne Gennaro Milwaukee

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