Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump’s concern


President Donald Trump had our military lob 59 missiles into Syria (after notifying Russia 90 minutes before the attack) because he was so saddened by the images of the children who were dead or dying from being gassed by Assad (“Trump defends attack on Syria; demands ‘end the slaughter,’” April 7).

Could some of these children possibly have been in that group who were denied access to this country by Trump’s deportatio­n policy? Does he really care about those people who are trying to save their children by fleeing this terrible oppression?

Next, he orders a bomb that they call the “mother of all bombs” to bomb tunnels in Afghanista­n where ISIS has its operations (“U.S. drops ‘mother of all bombs,’” April 14).

This bomb has been around since the year 2000 and neither former Presidents George W. Bush nor Barack Obama saw fit to use it because of its terrible ramificati­ons and a cost of $15 million. Trump sees this as power and uses it to suggest he is a “strong” president. Now he is talking about a pre-emptive strike in North Korea.

My question is this: How saddened is he by the children right here in the United States who are going to die because they are being denied adequate food and health care by his budget cuts? He will enlarge the defense budget to make bigger bombs by cutting benefits to the poor who only want to see their children thrive and live.

Where is his sympathy for them — and exactly what does that slogan “make American great again” mean? Is America going to become “great” again by denying people health care and stomping on the poor?

Judith M. Tutkowski New Berlin

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