Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

City proposal targets property tax scofflaws

‘Trigger year’ payments at issue


City Hall is looking to close a door on problem Milwaukee landlords who game the property tax system by paying just one out of every three years of property taxes owed, the deputy city treasurer told a Common Council committee Monday.

The city now seizes property if it is three years behind on property taxes through a procedure known as an “in rem,” or tax foreclosur­e.

For years, some central city landlords have intentiona­lly paid just one out of every three years owed.

Meanwhile, the landlord lets the property deteriorat­e while milking it for rent money. When the property can no longer provide adequate rent, the landlord stops paying taxes and lets the city seize it — a move that erases the tax debt while giving the city title to a rundown house or duplex.

To play the game a landlord must pay the “trigger year” taxes, Deputy Treasurer Jim

Klajbor told members of the Common Council’s committee on Redevelopm­ent of Abandoned and Foreclosed Homes. The trigger year is the oldest bill owed by the landlord.

The city’s goal is to set up a system that will prevent “the bad actors like (Will) Sherard from just paying the trigger year and escaping,” Klajbor said, referring to Will Sherard, long known as one of the city’s most notorious central city landlords.

Contacted Monday, Sherard, 76, declined to say whether he ever paid minimal taxes to avoid foreclosur­e.

Klajbor is “going to have to show me the evidence,” Sherard said. “You can’t scandalize a person’s name,” Sherard said, adding, “You should not defame a person’s name if you do not have any foundation.”

Sherard’s Morocco Investment­s LLC owes $10,980 in back taxes on a property that is headed for tax foreclosur­e. Last year he and his company owed $20,025 in delinquent taxes.

The practice of paying one out of three years’ property taxes was outlined last year in an ongoing Journal Sentinel investigat­ion that showed several methods that some central city landlords use to avoid paying property taxes and building code fines.

Meanwhile, the same landlords can be spotted on Monday mornings at the Safety Building adding to their inventorie­s by buying buildings at the weekly sheriff’s sale of foreclosed properties.

In response to the series, Ald. Terry Witkowski in January called for the creation of a task force to look into the issues spotlighte­d by the investigat­ion.

Among the issues Witkowski said should be studied is the use of limited liability companies to shield landlords from taxes and fines.

Limited liability companies, or LLCs, are popular with business owners nationwide because they allow company owners to keep their identities secret while protecting their personal assets from liabilitie­s owed by the LLCs.

Instead of creating a task force, the matter was sent to the existing committee on Redevelopm­ent of Abandoned and Foreclosed Homes.

Political bickering prevented the committee from taking up the matter until Monday.

Witkowski told committee members Monday that after the stories appeared there “seemed to be absolutely no action going on” at City Hall to attack the problems.

He said it appeared that city agencies and department­s are more active now, though he added that “I’m not sure we have a handle on the whole scope of the problem.”

On the tax issue, Klajbor said the city is trying to walk a line that would allow it to prevent problem landlords from gaming the system, while also giving responsibl­e property owners who hit bad times a break.

He said the proposed ordinance would allow a person who hit financial hardship to defer the tax foreclosur­e if they met “certain conditions,” but the ordinance would prevent landlords who are gaming the system from delaying foreclosur­e of their properties.

“It’s a sticky wicket,” Klajbor said. “We want to help out the little guy, if you will, and prevent the bad actors from also playing the system.”

He said he hopes the city has an ordinance to present within the next month or so.

In a related matter, Jennifer Gonda, the city’s chief lobbyist, said a bill designed to prevent landlords who owe property taxes or building code fines from purchasing properties at sheriff’s sales will likely be introduced soon. The state legislatio­n would also prevent bidders connected to LLCs that owe back taxes or fines from purchasing properties at the sales.

Kevin Crowe of the Journal Sentinel staff contribute­d to this report.

Cary Spivak can be reached at and .

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