Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

A plan for roads


Last year, I took a trip east and was amazed at how the road conditions are in other states, especially those with a toll tax.

Coming back to Wisconsin, it was quickly apparent something was wrong with our road repair system. I have a couple of suggestion­s.

First, create a toll system, but only at the entrances and exits of the state. This would raise transporta­tion funds and have a minimum impact on Wisconsin residents. This could be set up for electronic collection as Illinois and many other states do. Most out-of-state visitors are already used to paying a toll tax in their state and many other states.

Second, create a Road Repair Assessment that would assess either a nickel or dime per gallon — not a tax; rather an assessment. We have many different special assessment­s for sewers, sidewalks, etc. All are paid by the user, which this assessment would do as well.

As a former tax collector, I know in talking to many citizens they do not mind paying more if it accomplish­es something specific. This assessment should be returned to the county in which it is collected. The county would then split 50/50 with the municipali­ties within their county.

These funds would be restricted to only repair of current roads, not planning costs, expansion costs or new roads. These funds would be used where needed: repair of our roads. I would also put a 10-year life on this assessment for periodic review.

John Schlice Stevens Point

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