Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Watermelon jelly bean No. 1 in state


Easter has come and gone. So, too, has National Jelly Bean Day (April 22). But watermelon jelly beans are forever.

At least we hope so. That’s Wisconsin’s favorite jelly bean flavor, according to Candy The website looked at sales data from the last nine years as well as polls of 10,000 “candy fans” to determine each state’s favorite.

Black licorice was the country’s favorite overall, with buttered popcorn and watermelon coming in second and third.

Wisconsini­tes might be experts when it comes to jelly bean flavors: A Jelly Belly warehouse and visitor center is located in Pleasant Prairie.

Pass the patties

When it comes to Girl Scout cookies, it’s Peanut Butter Patties all the way in Wisconsin. The peanut-butter-and-chocolate cookie, also known as the Tagalong, is the state’s favorite, according to Influenste­r. The website polled more than 5,000 people to determine each state’s favorite cookie.

Unsurprisi­ngly, Thin Mints

About This Feature

How do we rate? There is no shortage of lists, rankings and charts to tell us. Adding Us Up is a recurring look at where Milwaukee and Wisconsin rank on the latest lists, from the semi-serious to the silly. If you spot a ranking that rates, share it with us at were the favorite overall and in the most states. Caramel deLites (a.k.a. Samoas) came in second, with Patties pulling in at third.

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