Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Another GOP scheme to undermine cities, towns

- Emily Mills Guest columnist

Wisconsin led the way for LGBTQ rights with its historic passage of a 1982 law that protected gays and lesbians from discrimina­tion in employment and housing but since then, the state has not kept pace for transgende­r or gender non-conforming people. Into the breach stepped municipali­ties, which passed ordinances to ensure fair and equal treatment for a wider spectrum of people.

Wisconsin used to be a leader in protection workers but Gov. Scott Walker undid much of that good work during his years in office, starting with the passage of Act 10, which eviscerate­d public employee unions. And once again, municipali­ties stepped up to help; Milwaukee County passed a minimum wage increase for its employees and contractor­s in 2016 after state and federal government­s failed to do so.

But now a bill introduced in the Legislatur­e would undo much of the good done on the local level.

The Wisconsin Restaurant Associatio­n and Wisconsin Manufactur­ers and Commerce are leading the charge to preempt local control over employment protection­s. They argue that it’s necessary to support food industry employers and create a simpler business environmen­t statewide, where the rules and regulation­s are the same from place to place.

On its fact, that sounds pretty reasonable. But considerin­g the hostile environmen­t at the state level, passage of the law would represent not only an attack on local control Republican­s used to say they loved but also on much of the progress made by municipali­ties that act as laboratori­es of democracy.

Assembly Bill 748 (and its Senate version, SB 634) would be disastrous for workers, especially those in vulnerable groups. The bill would preempt local control over rules related to higher minimum wage for work done with local funds, LGBTQ discrimina­tion, wage theft recovery, fair scheduling of employees, tools to decrease gender and racial pay inequities, labor peace agreements and licensing requiremen­ts.

The bill is a pointed attack on Madison ordinances that prohibit employer discrimina­tion based on a host of reasons.

Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle signed into law a statewide minimum wage preemption in 2006 as a compromise to persuade the Republican-controlled Legislatur­e to support a one-time minimum wage increase. That raise was wiped out a year later when the federal minimum wage was upped. Wisconsin is still stuck with the rule and the federal level, still set at a paltry $7.25.

Fortunatel­y, many people striving to do better for Wisconsin. A new profession­al organizati­on for restaurant­s and food workers, called the PRAWN, has sprung up as a progressiv­e alternativ­e to the state restaurant associatio­n.

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Emily Mills is a freelance writer who lives in Madison. Twitter: @millbot; Email:

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