Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Republican­s are complicit


In the wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas School shootings we have a right to expect action from our politician­s, but it isn’t going to happen. House Speaker Paul Ryan said in regard to the shooting: “Not the time to jump to some conclusion.”

Translatio­n: Don’t expect any help from Republican­s on this issue.

When will we jump to some conclusion? The Sandy Hook School shooting occurred more than five years ago, and no changes have been made to make our children safer.

A Marjory Stoneman Douglas student said, “We don’t need comfort, we need change.”

We need thorough background checks, not the instant kind we have now, tougher standards on who can own guns, and assault weapons need to be banned. “Bump stocks” that allowed the Las Vegas shooter to convert semi-automatic weapons to fully automatic need to be banned.

The National Rifle Associatio­n owns the Republican Party. Its members donate millions of dollars to Republican candidates, and if any Republican stands up to them, they will guarantee he or she is defeated in the next primary.

If you vote Republican, you are complicit in these mass shootings. As long as Republican­s control Washington, nothing will be done to change the status quo. Will your school be next?

Charles Frisk

Green Bay

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