Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Require gun insurance


I do not want to take guns away from people who are responsibl­e, but I do want people who have guns to be responsibl­e. We require insurance for cars, trucks, businesses and many other things where there is a risk of harm being done to others. Why don’t we do the same for gun ownership? You can’t drive a car off the lot without insurance, so why can you walk away from a gun store or show with a rifle and no insurance?

My sister was murdered, leaving five children orphaned (her husband committed suicide after killing her). No one was responsibl­e for the economic damage caused by his gun. The seller was not responsibl­e, the sponsors of the show were not responsibl­e, the state was not responsibl­e, and he certainly wasn’t since he was dead. There were no funds to help pay the mortgage, pay off the car, pay for utilities, food, clothes or anything else. The cost of the shooting was laid directly on the backs of the survivors and their family.

Insurance needs to be part of gun ownership to help those injured or deprived of their loved ones killed by guns. The NRA advocates guns for all and should be happy to be a provider of insurance for all owners. It is time to stop putting the burden of shootings on the backs of those harmed. Protection of the victim needs to be placed on those that cause the harm. If you can’t leave the store with an AR-15 unless you have insurance, I believe you will greatly reduce the chance of anyone doing a mass shooting with an AR-15.

Wendy Muller


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