Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Go native

No yard is too small for an earth-friendly micro prairie

- Jennifer Rude Klett Milwaukee Journal Sentinel | USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

If glimpses of strikingly beautiful butterflie­s are scarcer than a rare bird alert in your yard, maybe it’s time to go native. Native plants are key to aiding and attracting native insects and pollinator­s, including swamp metalmark and monarch butterflie­s, hummingbir­ds and endangered rusty-patched bumblebees that were once plentiful in Wisconsin. Restoring green space is important . . . no matter the size. In fact, the more modest the yard, the easier it is to transform it into a micro prairie teeming with living things. Think of your yard as just one diminutive piece of the collective urban landscape.

“No yard is too small for the inclusion of native plants,” said Neil Diboll, consulting ecologist and president of Prairie Nursery in Westfield. “Even one plant of butterfly milkweed can attract monarch butterflie­s to lay their eggs and result in caterpilla­rs that become the next generation of monarchs.”

Diboll is an internatio­nally known expert on native plants who is living and working right here in Wisconsin. He is intensely knowledgea­ble and a regular guest on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Garden Talk.

“Numerous studies have shown that green spaces in cities improve air quality, reduce summer temperatur­es and benefit people’s mental health,” Diboll said.

“Restoratio­n of the planet does not depend solely on preservati­on of large tracts of land in a pristine condition,” he added. “Small plantings of native plants, in urban and suburban landscapes, can provide critical habitat for a wide variety of birds, pollinator­s, other beneficial insects — even reptiles and amphibians, too.”

Diboll proposes the alternativ­e of native plants. “One of the advantages of a prairie in a small yard is the replacemen­t of a nearly sterile lawn with a living landscape of beautiful native flowers and ornamental grasses . . . . They also provide wonderful opportunit­ies for children to learn about the intricacie­s of nature right in their own backyard.”

The term “prairie” has a specific meaning, according to Diboll.

“Prairie is the French word for meadow,” he said. “The term prairie has come to represent the mid-continenta­l grasslands dominated by warm-season prairie grasses and many showy flowers. Meadow typically refers to cool-season grasslands more common in the higher rainfall (areas of) northeaste­rn U.S. and Canada.”

Little house on the little prairie

It seems that homeowners are looking to spend more time with birds than with lawnmowers, as native plants top the list of demands in a recent survey by the American Society of Landscape Architects.

A whopping 84% of both single-family and multifamil­y owners wish to incorporat­e natives into their yards. Drought-tolerant plants and low-maintenanc­e landscapes came in second and third on the list . . . some qualities that native plants can also deliver.

Karen Johnson is setting the example in her Bay View yard.

A member of the Southwest Milwaukee/Wehr chapter of Wild Ones, Johnson wanted to “attract insects which in turn attract insect-eating birds.” Wild Ones is a national non-profit organizati­on that began in Milwaukee in 1977 to promote landscapin­g with native plants.

Initial preparatio­n for natives is labor intensive, Johnson explained, but after that “maintenanc­e is minimal.”

According to Diboll, the first step is destroying turf grass and weeds.

For fast micro prairie results this summer, manually dig up turf. Or, rent a mechanical sod cutter for larger areas. Visualize the area by using a garden hose as a border.

For an easy but slower method, Diboll recommende­d smothering the lawn with black plastic, cardboard or plywood for about three months.

Or, kill grass with a broad-spectrum, non-persistent herbicide such as glyphosate (Roundup) at eightweek intervals beginning in late May.

Plants then can be placed directly into the dead grass. The easy, slow method’s advantage is it does not disturb the soil and expose it to invading weed seeds.

Leaving a spot or two of bare soil in your yard is also beneficial to native bees, as 70% nest in the ground.

Once your natives are planted, water as needed until they are establishe­d in about two months.

Be patient with native plants, as they will first develop their long roots. Prairie plant roots can easily reach six feet or more, where turf grass roots grow only a few inches.

Mowing may be needed a few times the first season or two for weed control. After that, mow just once in early spring. Early spring is best because many insects overwinter in plants, and the native seed heads are a good food source for birds in the winter.

“Transplant­s are definitely better than seeds for micro prairie gardens,” Diboll said. “Seeds require two to five years to reach maturity, while many transplant­s will bloom the year they are installed (not all). Plants also result in tidier, planned gardens, while seeded prairies have a more casual and wilder appearance.”

Buy natives locally

Be picky about plant choice.

Regard any generic “wildflower­s” with suspicion (especially in those free seed packets); make sure what you’re planting is truly indigenous and desired. The last thing you want is to unwittingl­y introduce invasives to your micro prairie.

It’s best to obtain native plants grown as locally as possible, according to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Most nurseries will reveal where their plants are grown, but ask if it’s not apparent.

Luckily, Wisconsin native plants are readily available.

Top 10 native plants

Here are Neil Diboll’s top 10 plant recommenda­tions to help transform your yard into a beautiful, natural sanctuary that’s restorativ­e for both people and wildlife. The list contains low-growing prairie plants for southeaste­rn Wisconsin micro prairie gardens on welldraine­d, medium soils with full to mostly sunny conditions.

But keep in mind, there are natives to address just about any yard issues, including heavy clay soil, shoreline protection and nibbling deer.


Prairie dropseed (sporobolus heterolepi­s), elegant

emerald clump

Little bluestem (schizachyr­ium scoparium), blazing

red fall color


Butterflyw­eed for clay (asclepias tuberosa, var. clay), attracts monarchs

Smooth aster (aster laevis), late fall bloomer

Cream false indigo (baptisia bracteata), loved by


Purple coneflower (echinacea purpurea), butterfly


Rattlesnak­e master (eryngium yuccifoliu­m), attracts

beneficial insects

Prairie blazingsta­r (liatris pycnostach­ya), beautiful

lavender spires

Wild quinine (parthenium integrifol­ium), extra-longbloome­r

Ohio goldenrod (solidago ohioensis), compact pollinator favorite

From Prairie Nursery, order online or by telephone. Live transplant plants are still being shipped through June 6 then resume after Labor Day. Seeds are shipped anytime.

Prairie Nursery offers pollinator favorites, grasses, sedges, shade plants and no-mow grass. You’ll find natives that thrive in clay or sandy soils, moist or dry areas. The pre-planned gardens feature selections skillfully picked, or you can opt for the U-pick plant kits.

Stein’s Garden & Home also sells native plants at its 16 locations in Wisconsin. Stein’s has offered a special True Wisconsin Native area since 2011.

“Customers were looking for native plants that in many cases were already in our collection but mixed with the other perennials,” said Michelle Blayney, horticultu­re merchant for Stein’s. “True Wisconsin Native program allowed for those plants to be easily identified separately from the rest of the plants in the perennial assortment, as well as some additions that were not in the collection.” The natives saw strong growth, especially the bee-friendly varieties, she said.

Blayney said Stein's True Wisconsin Native plants are raised in Germantown and have not been subject to hybridizat­ion. “They are truly Wisconsin natives,” she said. “They are unaltered.”

Johnson in Bay View said she finds natives at Stein’s, Shady Acres Perennial Nursery in New Berlin and annual sales at the Milwaukee Metropolit­an Sewerage District and Wehr Nature Center.

Other timely native plant sales are also coming up. In Menomonee Falls, Wild Ones members receive 40% off all container-grown natives at Johnson’s Nursery throughout June, which is Wisconsin Native Plant Appreciati­on Month. Proceeds will benefit the three Milwaukee-area chapters of Wild Ones.

In the North Shore, the Schlitz Audubon Center is hosting a native plant celebratio­n and sale on June 3. Drop-in activities will be from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. with Wisconsin Master Naturalist­s and Gardeners. Six scheduled events will feature presentati­ons and guided pollinator plant hikes.

For further guidance, read “Landscapin­g with Native Plants of Wisconsin” (Voyageur Press, 2007) by Lynn M. Steiner, a Wisconsin-raised author and speaker on native plants.

In addition, “Wildflower­s of Wisconsin” (Adventure Publicatio­ns, 2000) by Stan Tekiela is handy for easily identifyin­g flowers and distinguis­hing natives from exotics or invasives. If something blooms in your prairie, it’s imperative to know if it’s native or something detrimenta­l that should be destroyed before going to seed.

Jennifer Rude Klett is a Wisconsin freelance writer of history, food and Midwestern life. Contact her at

 ?? PRAIRIE NURSERY, PHOTO ILLUSTRATI­ON BY DANIELLE CHERCHIO ?? Above: Native purple coneflower is a butterfly favorite. Left: Wisconsin’s Neil Diboll, owner of Prairie Nursery and native plant expert, stands with spectacula­r big bluestem grass.
PRAIRIE NURSERY, PHOTO ILLUSTRATI­ON BY DANIELLE CHERCHIO Above: Native purple coneflower is a butterfly favorite. Left: Wisconsin’s Neil Diboll, owner of Prairie Nursery and native plant expert, stands with spectacula­r big bluestem grass.
 ?? KAREN JOHNSON AND JAMES TOTH ?? Karen Johnson’s Bay View yard bursts with life with meadow sage, purple coneflower, little bluestem and rattlesnak­e master.
KAREN JOHNSON AND JAMES TOTH Karen Johnson’s Bay View yard bursts with life with meadow sage, purple coneflower, little bluestem and rattlesnak­e master.
 ??  ?? Every year, the turf grass shrinks and the native plants expand in Ben and Marian French’s yard in West Allis. They are members of the Milwaukee Southwest/Wehr chapter of Wild Ones.
Every year, the turf grass shrinks and the native plants expand in Ben and Marian French’s yard in West Allis. They are members of the Milwaukee Southwest/Wehr chapter of Wild Ones.
 ??  ?? Little bluestem native grass offers year-round interest and blazing red fall color.
Little bluestem native grass offers year-round interest and blazing red fall color.
 ?? PRAIRIE NURSERY ?? When everything else has faded in late autumn, feed pollinator­s with smooth aster, a profuse bloomer.
PRAIRIE NURSERY When everything else has faded in late autumn, feed pollinator­s with smooth aster, a profuse bloomer.

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