Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

A different kind of election ploy

- Madison

Our family is not eligible for Gov. Scott Walker’s child tax rebate, offered to those with children under 17.

Our children all had the benefit of an excellent education through Madison Public Schools. Our city and county have done everything possible to ensure that resources, curtailed by the Walker administra­tion, are distribute­d to soften impact on us all.

For anyone who does not need this rebate and feels it is just an election year ploy to throw crumbs to the masses while giving huge tax breaks and funds to campaign donors, try this:

File for the rebate. Then, donate it to your school district to make up for the shocking raid on our children’s public educationa­l resources, diverted to private schools through the voucher program.

Donate it to your local government, which has suffered the restrictio­ns on sharing equipment for snow removal or lack funds for road and bridge repairs.

Donate it to organizati­ons that have had public funding restricted due to mean spirited or ideologica­l agendas being pushed by this Republican-led administra­tion.

Or, donate it to electing people who truly care about reversing the degradatio­n this state has suffered under Walker.

Election year ploy? You bet. But maybe not Walker’s intended outcome.

Mary Richardson

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