Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

The Democrats’ deceit


What is behind the outrageous persecutio­n of President Donald Trump and all those who support him?

The FBI inspector general’s report shows Hillary Clinton committed felonies, destroyed evidence and got away with it. James Comey and Peter Strzok rewrote the letter exoneratin­g Clinton before she was even interviewe­d. Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Bill Clinton and former President Barack Obama are guilty of crimes against America, up to and including treason. (“Report rebukes Comey over Clinton email case,” June 15).

Political bias is definitely establishe­d by high-ranking FBI officials who exchanged text messages about their hatred for then-candidate Trump. One message — that was concealed from Congress — showed one to be frightened that Trump would win the election. Another tried to reassure her that Trump would lose, texting back: “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”

They referred to the Russia investigat­ion as an “insurance policy” against Trump winning the presidency. Trump was right when he claimed there was a Deep State embedded within the government that was conspiring against him.

Obama and the Democrats eroded America’s power. Their ultimate goal is giving up our national sovereignt­y. They hate Trump, his supporters and “America First.”

Sallie Helmer


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