Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

IRS won’t require donor disclosure­s anymore

Watchdog groups warn of election infiltrati­on

- Fredreka Schouten

WASHINGTON – The Trump administra­tion will no longer require some taxexempt organizati­ons, including politicall­y active groups such as the National Rifle Associatio­n, to identify their contributo­rs to federal tax officials.

The policy, announced this week by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, achieves a goal of some conservati­ve groups who say donor disclosure, even to the IRS, could subject their contributo­rs to government intimidati­on and harassment.

The change drew protests Tuesday from campaign finance watchdogs, who said it strips the government of its ability to scrutinize those donations and could lead to foreign interests illegally infiltrati­ng U.S. elections through advocacy groups – as the country grapples with Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 presidenti­al contest.

“This is the theater of the absurd,” said Fred Wertheimer of the watchdog group Democracy 21. “By limiting donor disclosure to the IRS, they have limited any ability to prevent Russia and Russian oligarchs to launder unlimited, undisclose­d and illegal contributi­ons through advocacy groups into federal elections.”

It also set up an immediate campaign finance battle on Capitol Hill as the midterm congressio­nal elections heat up.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., celebrated the administra­tion’s move from the Senate floor, saying it bars the government from improperly using its power to “invite harassment of citizens” by “angry left-wing activists.”

The top Democrat on the Senate Finance Committee, Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden, said he would oppose Trump’s nominee to run the IRS, California tax lawyer Charles Rettig, unless the administra­tion revoked the new policy.

“It’s the latest attempt by Secretary Mnuchin and Donald Trump to eliminate transparen­cy and keep officials and lawmakers from following the money,” Wyden said.

The change will affect labor unions, social clubs, trade organizati­ons and politicall­y active advocacy groups, ranging from Planned Parenthood Action Fund to parts of the influentia­l conservati­ve network overseen by Kansas billionair­e Charles Koch.

The names of donors to these nonprofit groups have not been publicly available, but the organizati­ons were required to disclose contributo­r informatio­n to the IRS on their annual tax returns.

These groups generally do not operate as charities, and their donors do not receive tax deductions in exchange for their contributi­ons.

As a result, Mnuchin said, the IRS doesn’t need their donor informatio­n to police tax laws. The tax agency still can ask the organizati­ons for details on contributo­rs if additional scrutiny is warranted.

“Americans shouldn’t be required to send the IRS informatio­n that it doesn’t need to effectivel­y enforce our tax laws, and the IRS simply does not need tax returns with donor names and addresses to do its job in this area,” Mnuchin said in a statement.

Officials affiliated with Koch long have pushed for this change and lobbied on behalf of a bill that passed the House in 2016 that would have kept donors anonymous.

 ?? J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP ?? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the rule bars the government from improperly using its power to “invite harassment of citizens” by “angry left-wing activists.”
J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE/AP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said the rule bars the government from improperly using its power to “invite harassment of citizens” by “angry left-wing activists.”

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