Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump loyalty becomes an issue in GOP Senate primary

- Craig Gilbert

Both candidates in Wisconsin’s GOP U.S. Senate primary have run as unflinchin­g supporters of President Donald Trump.

But videotape has surfaced showing one of them, state lawmaker Leah Vukmir, ripping Trump more than two years ago.

“He’s offensive to everyone,” Vukmir said of Trump at an event hosted by “Never Trumper” Charlie Sykes in March 2016. The video was posted this week by the right wing, pro-Trump website, Breitbart News.

“He’s offensive to women. He’s offensive to men. He’s offensive to little people. He’s offensive to fat people. He’s offensive to everyone,” Vukmir said.

Will those remarks boomerang on Vukmir in her Aug. 14 Republican primary fight with Kevin Nicholson? Nicholson hopes so, and his campaign has pounced on the tape.

But it would be pretty ironic if Republican primary voters in Wisconsin in the summer of 2018 punish a GOP politician for being anti-Trump in the spring of 2016.

Because Republican primary voters in Wisconsin were also anti-Trump in the spring of 2016.

In a March 2016 survey by the Marquette Law School, a majority of GOP voters in this state (51%) said they had an unfavorabl­e view of Trump. Only 36% viewed him favorably.

Only 21% said they would be “very comfortabl­e” with a Trump presidency. Roughly half (48%) said they would be uncomforta­ble.

Roughly half (48%) said they would support efforts within their party to prevent Trump from becoming the GOP nominee.

Again, these were Republican voters in Wisconsin.

Not long after that poll was taken, those GOP voters went to the polls and dealt Trump one of his worst defeats of the primaries. Trump got only 35% of the vote in Wisconsin and lost to Ted Cruz by 13 points.

Trump was especially unpopular in the most Republican part of Wisconsin (Vukmir’s home base), the conservati­ve suburban counties outside Milwaukee, where his negative rating among Republican­s was 64% in the months leading up to the April primary, according to Marquette’s polling.

In the primary, Trump lost the state’s biggest GOP county, Waukesha, by 39 points.

So as awkward and inconvenie­nt as it is for her today, the “revelation” that Vukmir had major qualms about Trump back in the spring of 2016 should not surprise anyone who follows politics, because that was true of a huge contingent of voters and politician­s within her own party, in her own state and especially in her own backyard.

When Trump became the GOP nominee, both she and her party largely shed those objections and lined up behind him. In few states was this transforma­tion more dramatic than Wisconsin, because its Republican voters and politician­s had been so skeptical of Trump during the nominating process.

Marquette’s polling shows that even after Trump became the nominee, on the eve of the 2016 election, one in four Republican voters in Wisconsin still had a negative view of Trump, a remarkable number in our hyperparti­san age. Only about a third of those GOP voters said they’d be “very comfortabl­e” with Trump as president.

As Vukmir predicted on that March 2016 videotape, many Republican­s would hold their nose that November while voting for Trump.

But after Trump took office, the Trump “takeover” of the GOP was completed.

In Wisconsin, the share of Republican voters who view Trump favorably has gone from 36% in the spring of 2016 to an average of 90% in Marquette’s 2018 polling.

As a result, unwavering support for Trump has become a litmus test for many GOP voters. GOP candidates criticize Trump at their peril within the party and downplay the objections many of them once had (or in some cases still have).

One fascinatin­g question that may be answered Aug. 14 is whether it’s enough for today’s pro-Trump Republican voters that their candidates are Trump loyalists

Or whether evidence that they were critical of Trump before he became president or even the party’s nominee is damning.

That would be especially striking in Wisconsin, where the GOP was once as anti-Trump as anywhere in the country.

 ??  ?? Vukmir
 ??  ?? Nicholson

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