Milwaukee Journal Sentinel



Stonehenge builders came from Wales, new study suggests

Stonehenge continues to give up its 5,000-year-old secrets.

A new study sheds some light onto the prehistori­c people who built it. Using new technology that can determine where dead people lived, scientists say that cremated human remains from the site show that some of the people came from other parts of western Britain – most likely Wales.

Those people also likely lugged some of the Welsh stones that were used to construct Stonehenge, according to the study, published Thursday in the journal Scientific Reports.

The cremated remains suggest that people not only supplied the stones, but also “moved with the stones and were buried there too,” the study said.

Mnangagwa keeps ruling party in power in Zimbabwe

HARARE, Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa won election Friday with just over 50 percent of the ballots as the ruling party retained control of the government in the first vote since the fall of longtime leader Robert Mugabe.

The opposition is almost certain to challenge the results in the courts or in the streets. Mnangagwa received 50.8 percent of the vote while main opposition challenger Nelson Chamisa received 44.3 percent.

While election day was peaceful, deadly violence Wednesday against people protesting alleged vote-rigging reminded many Zimbabwean­s of the decades of repression under Mugabe.

Western election observers who were banned in previous votes have expressed concern at the military’s “excessive” force in the capital, Harare.

Trump floats idea of another meeting with North Korea’s Kim

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump raised the possibilit­y Thursday of a second meeting with Kim Jong Un, telling the North Korea leader he was looking forward to it.

In a tweet, Trump also thanked Kim for his “kind action” of returning what are believed to be remains of U.S. soldiers killed in the Korean War more than 60 years ago.

“I am not at all surprised that you took this kind action,” Trump wrote. “Also, thank you for your nice letter - l look forward to seeing you soon!” The White House said Trump received a letter from Kim on Wednesday.

Archives: Kavanaugh documents won’t be ready until October

WASHINGTON – The National Archives and Records Administra­tion said Thursday it won’t be able to complete its review of nearly 1 million documents regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s time in George W. Bush’s White House until the end of October.

This could potentiall­y thwart Republican hopes for quick confirmati­on before the November election.

The documents being compiled are only the initial request from Republican­s; Democrats have asked for additional papers. The paper chase is emerging as the biggest battle over President Donald Trump’s nominee.

Detroit officer suspended after video shows beating of woman

DETROIT – A Detroit police corporal has been suspended after cellphone video emerged showing him beating a naked, unarmed and possibly mentally ill woman inside an emergency room triage unit as another officer and hospital security restrained her.

The video shows the male officer, whose name has not been released, punching the woman about a dozen times Wednesday at Detroit Receiving Hospital.

What is shown on the video is “very disturbing,” Detroit police Chief James Craig told reporters Thursday, adding that a criminal investigat­ion has begun.

CDC asks people not to wash or otherwise reuse condoms

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued an appeal to people to not wash or otherwise reuse condoms.

“We say it because people do it,” the CDC tweeted this week. “Use a fresh one for each #sex act.”

Elizabeth Torrone, an epidemiolo­gist with the CDC, says soap and water won’t kill all of the microorgan­isms on or inside a condom and can also make the latex more prone to tear.

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