Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wisconsin expected to be huge in 2020 presidenti­al race


It has been more than a decade since Wisconsin was the white-hot epicenter of a red-hot presidenti­al race.

But that’s precisely the scenario that looms two years from now.

“I think Wisconsin is going to be one of the most important (battlegrou­nds), and kind of a bellwether for the rest of the Midwest in the competitio­n for the presidency,” said GOP strategist Keith Gilkes, a longtime adviser to Gov. Scott Walker.

Almost everything about the Nov. 6 midterm election bolstered Wisconsin’s status as a top presidenti­al target in 2020, when this state has no race for governor or U.S. Senate but can expect an all-out war over its 10 electoral votes.

The state swung back to Democrats for governor and U.S. Senate after Republican Donald Trump carried Wisconsin for president two years ago.

But Democrats failed to dent the GOP’s strangleho­ld on the state Legislatur­e, and they won the governor’s race by scarcely more than a percentage point.

Taken together, the razor-thin battles for president in 2016 and governor in 2018 have underscore­d this state’s essentiall­y “swingy” character.

They have also laid bare the limits of each party’s appeal and the challenges both sides face in the Great Lakes battlegrou­nds that could easily tip the 2020 election.

Tony Evers’ slender victory for governor was a reminder that no matter how well Democrats do in their big “base” cities, their struggles in small towns and rural counties leave them little margin for error.

“There is no group of voters where we can say, ‘We can safely ignore them,’” said Democratic pollster Mark Mellman, who polled for Evers’ winning campaign.

“To state the obvious, a Democrat can’t win (Wisconsin) without doing well in Milwaukee and Madison. But it’s also quite clear you can do well in Milwaukee and Madison and still get killed statewide,” said Mellman, referring to the party’s losses in the recent past.

For Republican­s, Walker’s defeat was a reminder that no matter how well the GOP does with rural voters, it can ill afford to lose ground in the suburbs when it’s being blown out in the big cities.

One GOP pollster called the suburbs a national “killing ground” for Republican­s in 2018.

“What Trump demonstrat­ed in 2016 is a unique way of winning Wisconsin — driving up the rural vote overall, with an agenda and message that responded to their values and concerns over those of suburban and urban voters,” said Gilkes. “The challenge for Trump is you can’t just exclusivel­y rely on rural voters.”

In 2020, GOP and Democrats can’t afford to ignore the “blue wall”

The Democrats’ most obvious route to an electoral majority in 2020 is to take back the three “blue wall” states that Trump narrowly flipped in 2016: Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvan­ia. That would put Democrats over the top if nothing else on the map changes.

“I think re-assembling the ‘blue wall’ is probably the most viable path for the Democrats,” said University of Texas political scientist Daron Shaw in an email exchange.

Shaw, who advised President George W. Bush’s re-election campaigns in 2000 and 2004, said Republican­s would love to play offense and pick up a Clinton state such as Minnesota, Nevada, Colorado or Virginia. But the GOP suffered setbacks in all four in 2018.

“The most important battles will be Republican­s defending Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvan­ia, Michigan and Wisconsin,” said Shaw.

Mellman, the Democratic pollster, argued his party has more paths to victory in 2020 than the GOP. One is a southern path that targets Florida and North Carolina. Some Democrats think Arizona and Georgia, longtime red states, are becoming better targets for their party than the familiar battlegrou­nds of Ohio and Iowa, which Trump won by 8 and 9 points two years ago.

But “there is clearly the northern route of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvan­ia,” said Mellman, who is based in Washington, D.C., and polled for John Kerry’s 2004 presidenti­al campaign. All three states regularly voted Democratic for president before Trump.

“If the Democratic candidate travels to them, invests in them, works them, there is every likelihood of winning those states,” said Mellman.

Democratic strategist Tanya Bjork said her party has taken to heart the failure of the Clinton campaign to visit Wisconsin or put much effort into Wisconsin or Michigan in 2016.

“I would expect the Democratic nominee and hopefully the Democratic Party has learned their lesson that you can’t ignore your firewall,” said Bjork, who ran the Clinton effort in Wisconsin and pushed unsuccessf­ully, she says, for more resources from the national campaign.

“We can’t let that happen again,” said Democratic pollster Paul Maslin, who is based in Madison.

Wisconsin “is one of the six to eight states that are going to matter,” said Maslin. Both sides understand its significan­ce, he added. “Trump has made a big deal out of how important Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvan­ia were to him. He knows it. He has to come back to them.”

As 2020 approaches, a few things stand out about Wisconsin’s place on the map

First, Wisconsin was the actual “tipping point” state in 2016, to borrow a concept used by the analytical website FiveThirty­Eight to identify pivotal battlegrou­nds. If you ranked all the states from most pro-Trump to most pro-Clinton in their vote, Wisconsin occupied the exact electoral center: its 10 electoral votes were the ones that mathematic­ally tipped the Electoral College to Trump.

Second, the state’s history as a battlegrou­nd runs deep. The essence of a presidenti­al battlegrou­nd is that it is very close when the national election is very close. There have been three presidenti­al elections in the past two decades that were decided by small margins in a handful of states (2000, 2004, 2016). Some battlegrou­nds that were extremely close in 2000 and 2004 were not in 2016 (Iowa, New Mexico). And some states that weren’t competitiv­e in 2000 and 2004 were hotly contested in 2016 (North Carolina).

Wisconsin was decided by less than a percentage point in all three close elections in recent presidenti­al history (it is the only such state).

“Wisconsin is the new Ohio,” said Republican strategist Brad Todd, who is based in northern Virginia and has worked on Wisconsin races. “It has become a state that goes, albeit narrowly, with the party that does better nationally in that election.”

Wisconsin’s demographi­c makeup is another reason it bears watching. The state has a high proportion of white working-class voters, Trump’s political base. In the 2018 midterm election, 55 percent of its voters were whites without a college degree, compared with 41 percent nationwide. Ohio had a similar share of blue-collar white voters, while Minnesota (51 percent), Michigan (47 percent) and Pennsylvan­ia (44 percent) all had disproport­ionate shares.

That gives Trump every chance to compete for these states again in 2020. White blue-collar and rural voters continued to vote Republican in 2018 (in some places at even higher levels than 2016), even as urban and college-educated voters grew more Democratic.

In states like Wisconsin, those crosscurre­nts leave both parties on a knife’s edge.

Take the Walker race

The outgoing governor lost the big Democratic cities of Milwaukee and Madison by historical­ly huge midterm margins. His winning margins were smaller than 2014 in the most populous Fox Valley counties (such as Brown and Outagamie), and in his “base” suburban counties outside Milwaukee (such as very Republican Waukesha and Ozaukee).

Compared with 2014, Walker lost ground in the state’s 35 most densely populated counties.

But he gained ground in 16 of the state’s 20 least densely populated counties, and in almost every county across Wisconsin’s northern tier.

“Scott Walker did even better in rural areas than we ever imagined or thought we could,” said Gilkes.

Despite an unfavorabl­e climate for his party this year, Walker’s support in “Trump Country” came just shy of reelecting him.

The lesson of Wisconsin’s recent political history is that both parties pursue a “base-only” strategy at their peril.

The questions on the Republican side start with the southeaste­rn suburban counties (led by Waukesha), where Walker did worse than he did in 2014 but better than Trump did in 2016. The GOP needs to stem its losses with women and college graduates.

Meanwhile, Democrats would like to narrow the gap with rural and blue-collar whites, as Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle did in 2006, President Barack Obama did in 2008 and 2012, and U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin did in her comfortabl­e 2018 re-election.

But that will be hard to do in 2020. Trump’s approval rating with “non-college” whites (more than half the state’s electorate) was 54 percent in the Wisconsin exit poll Nov. 6, and Evers lost them by 17 points to Walker. Just one rural area in the state that swung hard to Trump in 2016 truly tacked back to Democrats in the 2018 governor’s race: Wisconsin’s lightly populated southwest, a region with a history of swings and ticket-splitting.

Trump’s approval rating among all voters in the Wisconsin exit poll was a respectabl­e 48 percent — better than his numbers in virtually all the pre-election polling.

“You go back to Gore (2000) and Kerry (2004) — dead even. Trump last time — dead even. This time for governor — dead even,” said Maslin, the Democratic pollster.

“In that mythical, really close national election, if that’s what we’re heading for, I think we’re going to be right smack in the crosshairs.”

 ?? MARK HOFFMAN / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? About 120 people associated with the Solidarity Singers belt out songs while celebratin­g the defeat of Republican Gov. Scott Walker during the lunch hour at the Capitol in Madison.
MARK HOFFMAN / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL About 120 people associated with the Solidarity Singers belt out songs while celebratin­g the defeat of Republican Gov. Scott Walker during the lunch hour at the Capitol in Madison.
 ?? MIKE DE SISTI /MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Gov.-elect Tony Evers jokingly holds a smiley emoji pillow to reflect how he's feeling after winning the election.
MIKE DE SISTI /MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Gov.-elect Tony Evers jokingly holds a smiley emoji pillow to reflect how he's feeling after winning the election.
 ?? MOLLY BECK/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Gov. Scott Walker speaks to reporters for the first time since his Nov. 6 loss to Tony Evers.
MOLLY BECK/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Gov. Scott Walker speaks to reporters for the first time since his Nov. 6 loss to Tony Evers.

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