Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Older Americans more likely to mention bias in workplace


CHICAGO – Are older workers being discrimina­ted against on the job? The answer appears to depend on the age of the person asked.

About half of Americans think there’s age discrimina­tion in the workplace, according to a poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

But there’s a split by age. The poll finds 60% of adults age 60 and over say older workers in the U.S. are always or often discrimina­ted against, while 43% of adults younger than 45 say the same.

“I just think they’re not really aware of it,” said Wendy Sachs, 48, an author and speaker. She often has discussed her own experience­s with age discrimina­tion applying for and working at New York City startup companies.

Federal law bars age discrimina­tion in employment. Yet three-quarters of adults 60 and older – and 65% of those between ages 45 and 59 – say they believe their age puts them at a disadvanta­ge when looking for work. One in 10 adults 60 and over and about 2 in 10 of those age 45 to 59 say they have been passed over for a raise, promotion or chance to get ahead specifical­ly because of their age.

“They look at you kind of strange as you apply for a job. And I immediatel­y know ‘Oh, well, I’m not going to get hired,’ ” said Kevin Kusinitz. The 63year-old New Yorker spent years being rejected for jobs for which he felt overqualif­ied after an August 2012 layoff.

Kusinitz now works a few days each week as a background actor in movies and television shows through Central Casting New York, and he says his wife “makes a good salary” to help support them. But after his initial layoff at 56, he says he spent years unsuccessf­ully trying to land a job.

He believes his age was a primary reason his job search failed to gain traction. As he filled out one particular online applicatio­n, he was asked to select his birth year from a drop-down menu. He discovered the menu didn’t go back far enough for him to enter an accurate date.

“I think it only went back to the 1970s. I thought ‘Wow, I’m not even in the drop-down range. I really am old,’ ” he said.

By comparison, younger adults are more likely to think their age puts them at an advantage. Nearly half of those under 30 and about one-third of those age 30 to 44 say they feel their age is a benefit.

Sachs applied for a handful of startup jobs in New York about five years ago. She says she was often competing against 20-somethings for positions and was at times made to feel like an outsider because of her age. She recounts one awkward exchange with a younger hiring manager who dismissed the physical resume she’d brought to her interview, instead insisting on a digital copy.

Sachs eventually landed a position but was let go shortly thereafter. She says she was led to believe her experience commanded too high a salary and that younger, less experience­d workers would fill her role for less pay. Meanwhile, the survey shows 75% of women over 45 say their age puts them at a disadvanta­ge when looking for work, compared with 65% of older men.

“For women, we see an early onset (in cases of age discrimina­tion), and the discrimina­tion is much more severe,” said Patrick Button, an assistant economics professor at Tulane University. “I think there is a lot of sexism in aging.”

Button and his fellow researcher­s mocked up and distribute­d more than 40,000 fake job applicatio­ns to online postings. They found that resumes designed to look as if they belonged to an older applicant, particular­ly an older female applicant, were less likely to get a call back.

“There’s some evidence of age discrimina­tion against men, but more so men at retirement age rather than men at age 50,” Button said.

The federal Age Discrimina­tion in Employment Act bars discrimina­tion in the workplace on the basis of age. A recent decision by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago said that only current employees can be protected by certain elements of the statute.

“Hiring discrimina­tion – you almost never have any proof. If you think about how people look for jobs these days, it’s almost all online,” says Laurie McCann, a senior attorney at the AARP Foundation. “You send your resume off into a black hole. Maybe you receive a reply that thanks you for your applicatio­n, but you have no idea why you were screened out or who got the job ahead of you. It’s very hard to prove.”

 ?? RICHARD DREW/AP ?? Kevin Kusinitz, 63, who spent years being rejected for jobs following a 2012 layoff, straighten­s a poster from his collection.
RICHARD DREW/AP Kevin Kusinitz, 63, who spent years being rejected for jobs following a 2012 layoff, straighten­s a poster from his collection.

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