Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Tariffs not going to U.S. farmers

- Eric Litke

With farmers across the nation whipsawed by falling commodity prices and rising tariffs, the industry needed some good news.

President Donald Trump’s administra­tion announced in May that help was on the way for some in the form of a $16 billion farm aid package.

Farmers in particular have suffered from retaliator­y tariffs amid an ongoing trade war with China. Trump imposed additional import taxes on Chinese goods in 2018, then raised many tariffs again — from 10% to 25% — in May after trade talks broke down. He unexpected­ly announced another round of tariffs Aug. 1.

Along the way, China has responded by raising tariffs as well.

But it was the president’s repeated descriptio­n of funding for that bailout that caught our eye.

“We are doing great with farmers now in a lot of ways. One way is we’re giving $16 billion out of all the tariffs we’re collecting,” Trump told WTMJTV’s Charles Benson in a July 12 interview in Wisconsin. “Sixteen billion dollars all comes out of the tariffs that we’ve gotten from China.”

Trump also referenced tariff payments “from China” when he announced the farm aid plan in May and many times since, including a July 30 news conference where he referred to “taking in billions and billions of dollars from China in the form of tariffs.”

Is that really how tariffs work?

Tariffs 101

The short answer is no.

Here’s a descriptio­n from the Urban Institute-Brookings Institutio­n Tax Policy Center, an independen­t group that models the effects of tax legislatio­n.

A tariff is a tax on imported goods. Despite what the President says, it is almost always paid directly by the importer (usually a domestic firm), and never by the exporting country. Thus, if the US imposes a tariff on Chinese television­s, the duty is paid to the US Customs and Border Protection Service at the border by a US broker representi­ng a US importer, say, Costco. The Chinese government pays nothing, just as the US government pays no tax to Canada for that nation’s tariffs on imported dairy products. Rather, an importer or supplier for a Canadian supermarke­t pays the duty on Wisconsin cheese that lands in the grocer’s dairy counter.

That explanatio­n, written in September 2018, noted that Trump has a “troubling lack of understand­ing about how the levies work.”

The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund reported in May that this is indeed what happened, saying tariffs imposed on China have “been borne almost entirely by U.S. importers.”

Those businesses, of course, often

pass costs on to consumers. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York estimated in May that the round of tariffs imposed then on U.S. imports from China would cost the typical household $831 per year.

So China is not paying the tariffs. Then who’s paying for the farm aid?

Farm aid payments on the way

The U.S. Department of Agricultur­e announced details of the bailout July 25, saying the first of three payments will likely be made by August.

The money is doled out for each county at a per-acre rate based on “the impact of unjustified trade retaliatio­n in that county,” ranging from $15 to $150 per acre. Aid is available to farmers who planted any of 27 non-specialty crops (including soybeans, corn, alfalfa hay, barley and wheat), as well as dairy and hog farmers and producers of certain fruit- and nut-bearing plants.

Aid per farmer is capped at $500,000. In addition to China, farmers can receive funding if they were harmed by U.S. trade conflicts with the European Union and Turkey.

This program is modeled after one implemente­d last year that distribute­d about $12 billion in aid to farmers.

The Associated Press reported the latest aid package includes $14.5 billion in direct aid in the aforementi­oned categories and $1.4 billion to purchase surplus food from farmers and distribute it to schools and food banks.

That $16 billion is paid out through the Commodity Credit Corporatio­n, a government institutio­n supervised by USDA that can borrow up to $30 billion annually from the U.S. Treasury and distribute it to farmers without specific congressio­nal approval.

Secretary of Agricultur­e Sonny Perdue told the AP that China is “indirectly” paying for the aid, but he acknowledg­ed tariffs are sent to the Treasury Department without being earmarked for any specific purpose.

Our ruling

Trump said $16 billion in farm aid is being funded “out of the tariffs that we’ve gotten from China.”

Tariffs are paid into the U.S. Treasury, and the Treasury funds farm aid. But there is no specific earmark or conduit connecting the two.

More significantly, Trump’s claim simply does not reflect how tariffs work.

The tariffs imposed by Trump have been paid almost entirely by U.S. importers, who pass much of that on to consumers through price increases.

We rate Trump’s claim False.

The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund reported in May that tariffs imposed on China have “been borne almost entirely by U.S. importers.”

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