Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

In a reversal, Abele says he’s not seeking re-election

County exec seeks more time with kids, new wife

- Alison Dirr and Mary Spicuzza

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele is not seeking re-election, he announced Wednesday.

That’s a reversal from May, when Abele told the Journal Sentinel he was running again.

He said he first ran because he wanted to make a difference and thinks government is a noble endeavor.

“Nine years later, that hasn’t changed,” Abele told the Journal Sentinel. “What has changed is now I’ve got three young daughters and for anybody who has kids, you know that kids take a lot of time and they deserve a lot of time, and I’ve been conscious of the fact that I want to be able to spend more with them.”

His new marriage to Jennifer Gonda also invited him to re-evaluate his priorities, he said.

It’s healthy to periodical­ly have a new person at the helm of a large

organizati­on like the county, he said. Abele added that he believes things at the county are in a good place.

Abele said he had been seriously mulling the decision in the last couple months as he thought about the next chapter in his life. And it was one he wanted to make early enough to allow other candidates to consider a run in April, he said.

“It’s important for whoever has this job to be able to be 100% focused on every single day how do I move the county forward and spend all their time and give all their energy to that,” he said. “And that was the pace I ran at for nine years, and I just think it’s important that now is the time to pass the torch to somebody who maybe doesn’t have three kids and is ready to run hard.”

He said he’ll be there to help the next person and will be staying involved in Milwaukee, including on racial equity and pushing for a solution for funding local government.

“This is home, so people, like it or not, you’re stuck with me,” he said.

Abele also said he’ll be involved in other political races.

Since creating Leadership MKE last year, Abele has spent more than $1.3 million in support of numerous candidates in local races for mayor, school board and sheriff. Earlier this year, he created Leadership WI and gave nearly $50,000 to help Satya Rhodes-Conway in her successful bid for Madison mayor.

Abele’s group has a mixed record. Most notably, Leadership MKE spent heavily trying unsuccessf­ully to unseat Milwaukee County Board Chairman Theodore Lipscomb Sr. and in support of Acting Sheriff Richard Schmidt’s failed election bid.

Abele, the son of a Boston billionair­e, got married this month.

He was first elected in 2011 in a special election to fill the final year in Scott Walker’s term after Walker was elected governor. He was re-elected in 2012 and 2016.

Abele spent more than $4 million in 2016 in his victory over state Sen. Chris Larson, a fellow Democrat who challenged him from the left. After finishing a close second in the primary, Abele came back and defeated Larson by 12 percentage points that year.

So far, Abele is the only person to have filed papers with the Milwaukee County Election Commission to run for the seat. The primary is Feb. 18 and the general election is April 7.

Candidates can start circulatin­g nomination papers Dec. 1. Papers are due back to the Election Commission office Jan. 7.

Larson said Wednesday that he is giving a run “strong considerat­ion.”

Democratic Rep. David Crowley, who represents a district in northwest Milwaukee, also told the Journal Sentinel he is considerin­g running.

Milwaukee Ald. Cavalier Johnson said he was approached about running after Abele’s news broke and he is keeping the option open.

Glendale Mayor Bryan Kennedy, who also chairs the Intergover­nmental Cooperatio­n Council, also said he is seriously considerin­g a run.

Milwaukee County Supervisor Sheldon Wasserman also said he was exploring the opportunit­y and talking with his family about a potential run.

Milwaukee County Supervisor Marcelia Nicholson, who is also considerin­g a run, said in a statement that she had been approached about running and is “flattered by the confidence in my leadership.”

Dan Bice and Molly Beck of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel contribute­d to this report.

Contact Alison Dirr at 414-224-2383 or Follow her on Twitter @AlisonDirr.

Contact Mary Spicuzza at (414) 2242324 or

 ??  ?? Abele
 ?? ANGELA PETERSON/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? County Executive Chris Abele pauses while talking in his office Wednesday about why he isn't seeking re-election.
ANGELA PETERSON/MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL County Executive Chris Abele pauses while talking in his office Wednesday about why he isn't seeking re-election.

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