Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

US general: Strikes aimed at weapons, more remain

- Lolita C. Baldor

WASHINGTON – The U.S. retaliator­y airstrikes against militants in Iraq destroyed five weapons depots, but the top U.S commander for the Middle East acknowledg­ed Friday that there are many similar sites that the U.S. has not hit because of potential civilian casualties and political sensitivit­ies with the Iraqi government.

Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie said the U.S. decision to target the Iranianbac­ked Shiite militia group that killed American and British troops in a rocket attack this week sends a strong message to Iran and its proxies. But he said that as the threat of continued attacks remains high and tensions with Iran have not subsided, the U.S. is beefing up military assets in the region.

“What should now be obvious to everyone is you’re not going to be able to fire those at a U.S. or coalition base, hurt or kill our people, and escape unscathed,” McKenzie told Pentagon reporters Friday. He said the U.S. has been aware of the weapons sites and knows where more are, but has exercised “restraint” in bombing them because in some cases strikes would kill “a lot” of civilians. He said the U.S. works with the Iraq military to take out the sites, but at times that doesn’t work.

Kataib Hezbollah, the group the U.S. blames for the Wednesday attack at Camp Taji base that killed two U.S. and one British service members and wounded 14 other personnel, has not commented on the strikes, but another Iranian-backed group has vowed revenge.

The tit-for-tat strikes hint that another cycle of violence between Washington and Tehran that could play out inside Iraq. And they threaten to hamper ongoing U.S. negotiatio­ns with the Iraqi government to keep American troops in the country.

In fact, Iraq’s military said three Iraqi army commandos and two federal police officers were killed in the U.S. strikes. And a Shiite endowment in the holy city of Karbala said one civilian in an airport complex being constructe­d by the endowment was also killed.

Asked about the Iraqi deaths, McKenzie said the U.S. talked with the Iraq military and they knew the U.S. attack was imminent.

“If Iraqis were there and Iraqi military forces were there, I would say it’s probably not a good idea to position yourself with Kataib Hezbollah in the wake of a strike that killed Americans and coalition members.”

Because of the ongoing threat, McKenzie said Defense Secretary Mark Esper has agreed to keep two Navy aircraft carriers – the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and the USS Harry S. Truman – in the Gulf region “for a period of time.”

He said this is the first time since 2012 that the U.S. has had two carriers in the region at the same time.

He also said that Patriot air defense missile systems are being moved into Iraq to provide defenses against ballistic missile attacks like the January strike by Iran that hit an Iraqi air base where U.S. troops were present. No Americans were killed in that attack but several dozen suffered mild traumatic brain injury. Since then, Washington has been negotiatin­g with the Iraqi government to permit the Patriot deployment.

 ?? ANMAR KHALIL/AP ?? Iraq’s military said five security force members and a civilian were killed early Friday in a barrage of U.S. airstrikes.
ANMAR KHALIL/AP Iraq’s military said five security force members and a civilian were killed early Friday in a barrage of U.S. airstrikes.

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