Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Working from home to help avoid coronaviru­s can be, well, hard work

- Rick Barrett

As the coronaviru­s pandemic pushes people toward increased social isolation, businesses are encouragin­g their employees to work from home to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Several tech companies, including Google and Twitter, have urged employees to stay away from offices and work remotely, and it’s that way in the Milwaukee area.

“We are seeing this on a large scale,” said Brian Kirsch, an informatio­n technology instructor at Milwaukee Area Technical College.

“Some of it is uncharted territory. It’s one thing to work from home and answer some emails or do a few spreadshee­ts, but if you’re trying to run something like a complex engineerin­g program, that changes everything,” Kirsch said.

Telling people to simply stay out of the office and work from their kitchen table or a coffee shop is easier said than done. Not every company offers the resources and training, or even the bandwidth, to support a mass exodus of employees.

“The biggest challenge is taking what you had for maybe five or ten percent of your staff and applying it to everyone. It’s thinking about solutions and scaling them up,” Kirsch said.

“What you are seeing is a lot of companies struggling with this overnight," he added.

Fortunatel­y, there are many cloudbased solutions. And since the coronaviru­s quarantine­s began in China, some software providers have responded with free business licenses.

Cisco WebEx, for example, has offered free unlimited usage for up to 100 users and includes a free 90-day license to new customers. LogMeIn is offering free Emergency Remote Work Kits to its current customers for 90 days. Microsoft Teams has expanded the free version of its collaborat­ion software.

The software for working remotely is readily available, though some things, such as transferri­ng an entire office’s phone calls to a remote number, are more difficult.

“If you have a traditiona­l phone system … all of the calls might go to one person,” said Tom Lison, general manager of Milwaukee PC in Appleton.

“The computer side of things is easy. The phones can be the tougher portion,” Lison said.

In addition to having remote-access software, there are other ways to make working from home easier.

You will need adequate bandwidth, meaning high-speed internet access, where you’re expected to work. Don’t count on a Starbucks or McDonald’s being enough, especially if it’s crowded and everyone is online at once.

One option is to purchase a Wi-Fi hotspot, which will provide an internet connection anywhere you have service and is more secure than a public hotspot. Another helpful tool is a Wi-Fi extender, which will carry a wireless signal to otherwise dead zones in your house.

At-home workers should redo their passwords into something stronger and be more mindful of online practices and phishing scams. Use multi authentica­tion tools as a way to keep from being hacked.

For additional online security, a “virtual private network” is helpful. And during a time of crisis, be especially alert to scams, said Jeremy Edson, director of informatio­n security at Marquette University.

“With any major incident, there will be people who are going to try and take advantage of the situation. It’s very important to thoroughly vet any caller, any email, any website that’s asking for money,” Edson said.

There are company culture issues in working remotely and management must acknowledg­e that people are probably working just as hard as if they were at the main office.

Some people actually work longer hours than they normally would, worried that their boss thinks they’re slacking.

And be patient with people not fa-

“Some of it is uncharted territory. It’s one thing to work from home and answer some emails or do a few spreadshee­ts, but if you’re trying to run something like a complex engineerin­g program, that changes everything.”

Brian Kirsch Informatio­n technology instructor, Milwaukee Area Technical College

miliar with the technology.

Marquette has suspended all classroom-based instructio­n next week so that faculty have time to adapt their curriculum for online presentati­on.

“Working at a Jesuit institutio­n, we have Jesuits who teach theology with a Bible and a piece of chalk. Their technology has not changed for (online) lecturing,” Edson said.

If there’s some good to come from all of this, it’s that many people will be better prepared for the next crisis.

“This is going to force everyone to be a little more flexible, and that can help us in the future,” Kirsch said.

“You’ve got to take it with a healthy dose of preparedne­ss, caution and commonsens­e. And that’s for whether it’s having a little extra food at home or having your laptop with you when some of this starts. Download a few extra files you need onto a flash drive and take home that folder you might be working on for the next week,” he added.

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