Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

‘Preppers’ sit calmly amid viral shopping

- John Seewer

TOLEDO, Ohio – Curt La Haise has put up with plenty of razzing from friends over the years who have called him paranoid for stockpilin­g an eightmonth supply of food in his basement and having enough fuel to power his generator for almost an entire winter.

They’re not laughing anymore amid panic buying that has cleared store shelves across the U.S. and growing fears that the new coronaviru­s will force many Americans to self-quarantine for weeks in their homes.

“Now my friends are like, ‘What should I do, what should I get?’ ” said La Haise, who operates a firearms and safety training business near Sun Prairie, Wisconsin. “Prepping doesn’t look so bad now.”

For those in the often-mocked “prepper” community, this is becoming their “I told you so” moment. But many are resisting saying that, even if it’s in the back of their minds. What they hope is that they’ll finally be taken seriously and that more people will follow their lead.

“We’re not laughing. We’re not saying, ‘I told you so,’ when people are out there fighting over toilet paper and hand sanitizers,” said Paul Buescher, of Northfield Center Township, Ohio.

Buescher is one of 32 members of a group in northeaste­rn Ohio that shares a farm packed with enough canned and dehydrated food and water to last for years. He said he is now getting calls all day asking for advice.

Survival supply stores can’t keep up with the demand for food kits and medical supplies.

“Every single business that has to do with emergency preparedne­ss is overloaded,” said John Ramey, founder of a Colorado-based prepper website called

The Prepared.

Most preppers say they are about self-reliance and common sense and are quick to distance themselves from the “doomsday preppers” who are depicted on television shows awaiting the day most of the world’s population is wiped off the map.

“The vast majority of this is ‘beans and Band-Aids,’ not ‘bullets and bunkers,’ ” Ramey said.

While most people who have tested positive for the virus experience only mild or moderate symptoms, there’s a greater danger and longer recovery period for older adults and people with existing health problems.

Experts say it’s most important to practice safe hygiene: Wash hands frequently, cover sneezes and coughs, and stay home if fever or other symptoms arise.

As for the preppers, they have their own recommenda­tions for anyone who is unsure of what to do next:

❚ Be ready to stay at home for at least two weeks. Have plenty of food and water. Don’t forget about your pets and medicines. That includes over-thecounter products for fevers and coughs.

❚ Yes, toilet paper is important, but so are hand sanitizers, disinfecta­nts, sanitation wipes, eye protection and gloves.

❚ Get your finances in order. Make sure you can pay your bills and have cash on hand.

❚ Maybe most important, relax and don’t panic. And pay attention to the news and what’s happening.

 ?? PAUL BUESCHER VIA AP ?? The “prepper” community, with stores in hand, is sitting back as panic buying clears store shelves across the U.S.
PAUL BUESCHER VIA AP The “prepper” community, with stores in hand, is sitting back as panic buying clears store shelves across the U.S.

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