Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Evers is right, convert election to mail-in vote


Gov. Tony Evers called the bluff of Republican leaders in the Legislatur­e in a move more akin to poker than the governor’s favored game of euchre — and he made the right move to protect the health of Wisconsin voters and poll workers.

Evers wants to convert Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary election to vote-by-mail and extend balloting until May 19. That would keep the election on track and keep people safe during a public health emergency.

But so far Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, don’t seem to care if the lives of Wisconsin voters are at risk.

On Saturday afternoon, the chambers they lead gaveled in the special session called by Evers to change the election and quickly adjourned until Monday without acting.

Voting by mail — and not in person — is the only responsibl­e way to conduct an election as the coronaviru­s tears across Wisconsin. Evers insists his emergency powers do not give him the ability to make such changes himself.

Evers should test those powers if the Legislatur­e continues to do nothing on Monday.

Fitzgerald and Vos have said they think going to the

polls next week will be safe even though a massive shortage of poll workers will force clerks to sharply limit the number of polling places.

Vos and Fitzgerald make this claim even though we’ve all been urged by medical experts to stay home, keep our distance and avoid contact with more than a handful of others until this deadly virus dies down. They claim this even though more than 2 million state citizens voted at often-crowded polling stations in the last presidenti­al primary when there were far more poll workers and places to vote.

Let’s be clear: It is not safe for voters to go to the polls next week.

Aside from the obvious risk to public health, there is a risk to electoral credibilit­y.

If the election is held, turnout is likely to be abysmal, which may disenfranc­hise large blocs of voters and call the results into question. A federal judge has invited those who brought lawsuits challengin­g the election to return to court afterward if they believe large numbers of people were denied their right to vote.

U.S. District Judge William Conley compared having an election during the coronaviru­s pandemic to conducting balloting during a hurricane.

President Donald Trump is recommendi­ng strict adherence to social distancing for at least another month. And Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, himself on the ballot on Tuesday, warned that “it’s dangerous during a pandemic” for voters to gather at the polls.

James Conway, an infectious diseases expert at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Global Health Institute, said pushing ahead with in-person voting was “irresponsi­ble.”

But toxic politics, for many years a plague on Wisconsin’s body politic, appears to be winning. The standoff between the Democratic governor and the Republican leadership in the Senate and Assembly has revealed an astonishin­g level of moral bankruptcy.

Evers’ proposal to convert the election to mail-in balloting is a smart and sound way forward. It would ensure a fair vote, give citizens time to get and mail their ballots and county clerks time to count the votes.

Wisconsin also should adopt vote-by-mail for the August primary and general election in November. Even after the peak of coronaviru­s in Wisconsin — expected to happen between late April and mid-May — the contagion may still be with us.

So far, Republican leadership either doesn’t get it — or for political reasons doesn’t want to get it.

Perhaps they believe a low-turnout election works in their favor, especially in the marquee statewide race pitting Justice Daniel Kelly, a conservati­ve backed by Trump, against Dane County Circuit Judge Jill Karofsky for a seat on the state Supreme Court. That nominally nonpartisa­n race will determine whether the Republican majority remains 5-2 on the state’s high court or slips to 4-3.

Republican­s have long worked to dampen voter turnout to their advantage. It’s what drives their passion for voter ID laws, which tend to have a bigger impact on young voters who change addresses — and the poor. Both are more likely to vote for Democrats. Career Republican politician­s like Vos and Fitzgerald claim the laws are necessary to prevent voter fraud when actually there has been a microscopi­cally small amount of voter fraud ever found in Wisconsin elections.

When Evers last week called for every registered voter to get an absentee ballot, it was revealing that Vos quickly raised, without evidence, the old familiar specter of “massive voter fraud.”

Earlier this week, Vos declared the polls safe and said he planned to work at one. “If you’re bored at home and you’re sick of watching Netflix, volunteer to go and help at the polls,” he quipped.

But public health experts say inperson voting is risky.

“From a public health standpoint, it’s both the wrong message and it’s taking an enormous gamble,” Conway of UW-Madison said.

Even with low turnout, far too many people could be forced into close contact as they exercise their right to vote. Milwaukee normally has 180 polling places, for example, but will have only five on Tuesday because of the shortage of poll workers. Others fearful of waiting in crowded lines won’t vote at all. What kind of election will that be?

If we’ve learned anything about the coronaviru­s over these past few weeks it’s that even people who don’t have symptoms can be carriers — and spreaders — of this deadly pathogen. In Washington state, a single choir practice in Mt. Vernon on March 10 has left two people dead and 45 more fighting the illness. No one seemed to be sick at the time. Yet at least one person was carrying the virus.

Compare the risk of a choir practice with a few dozen singers to a statewide election with thousands of voters.

Other states have taken steps to keep their citizens safe. On the eve of Ohio’s March 17 primary, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine decided it wasn’t safe for Ohioans to go to the polls, and eventually, the state’s top health official ordered them closed. Ohio has extended voting by mail to April 28.

This is the most serious threat to public health in 100 years. The Legislatur­e should follow the governor’s lead and convert Wisconsin’s election to mail only.

The governor has called the bluff of the GOP leaders by demanding action but, in reality, only the people of Wisconsin can call their bluff. Vos and Fitzgerald work for the citizens, not the other way around. There is still time to let them know who is really in charge of this democracy.

You can let them know you’ll hold them responsibl­e at:

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (RRochester)

(608) 266-9171

(888) 534-0063

Email: Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-Juneau)

(608) 266-5660


 ?? STEVE APPS, ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, left, and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, speak to members of the media.
STEVE APPS, ASSOCIATED PRESS Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, left, and Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, speak to members of the media.

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