Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Wisconsin primaries that went off the rails

This isn’t the first time things have gotten weird

- Chris Foran Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN Contact Chris Foran at Follow him on Twitter at @cforan12.

The 2020 Wisconsin presidenti­al primary has been one of the most unusual in the state’s history. Because of the coronaviru­s pandemic, there have been no big campaign rallies or door-to-door politickin­g; instead, with the need for social distancing at its most crucial, we’re voting by mail — and by drive-through.

But Wisconsin has had unusual presidenti­al primaries before — from the beginning, in fact.

Presidenti­al primaries were created to give voters more direct control over picking candidates. In Wisconsin, the spring elections every four years also gave voters some unexpected moments.

1912: What Fighting Bob wrought

In 1912, the first year presidenti­al preference primaries were held, just 13 states had them. Although Wisconsin was leader in the movement, the Badger State wasn’t the first; North Dakota and New York sneaked in ahead, holding their primaries in March. Wisconsin’s inaugural presidenti­al primary election was held April 2 — it’s been the first Tuesday in April pretty much ever since — and Republican­s picked Robert M. “Fighting Bob” La Follette, the progressiv­e Wisconsin senator who, not coincident­ally, had launched the state’s election effort in the first place. But La Follette, who had also won the vote in North Dakota, never won another primary that year. Theodore Roosevelt won nine of the 13 primaries that year, but GOP incumbent William Howard Taft, who won only two, received the Republican nomination.

1940: A comedian ‘wins’ Wisconsin

In 1940, Gracie Allen, who played the ditsy, non-sequitur-cracking companion (and real-life wife) of comedian George Burns, announced on radio’s “Burns and Allen Show” that she was running for president as a candidate for the “Surprise Party.”

The day after the 1940 Wisconsin Primary — Democrat incumbent Franklin D. Roosevelt and Republican Thomas Dewey won easily — the Milwaukee Sentinel buried a small story on the bottom of its front page with the headline, “Gracie for President; 63 Voters So Ballot.” It turned out that in Campbellsp­ort in Fond du Lac County, 63 people wrote in Allen for president.

A week later, on the radio, Allen claimed victory.

“What do you think about how I upset them at the Wisconsin primaries last week?” Allen asked Burns on their program. “If you saw the front page of the Milwaukee Sentinel, you know it was a landslide for me.”

George: “A landslide for you?” Gracie: “I got 63 votes!” George: “63 votes, out of millions of voters in Wisconsin?”

Gracie: “Oh, that was in only one copy of the paper. And that paper has a circulatio­n of 187,000. 187,000 times 63 … just imagine me getting 63 votes in Wisconsin and I wasn’t even there?”

1960: The ready-for-prime-time primary

The Democratic primary held in Wisconsin in 1960 pitted Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, the dogged campaigner from the neighborin­g state of Minnesota, against Massachuse­tts Sen. John F. Kennedy, who easily defeated Humphrey in the first primary that year in

New Hampshire. Although Kennedy led in several early polls, Humphrey was expected to make a strong showing. Instead, JFK beat HHH, cementing his status as Democratic front-runner.

The Wisconsin primary also was the first to be followed by a squad of cameramen — some from the big television networks, others from a crew of filmmakers shooting a documentar­y on the election. The movie that resulted, 1960’s “Primary,” is one of the first important cinema-vérité documentar­ies, made up solely of the type of on-the-scene footage that’s now standard in documentar­ies (and a lot of reality TV).

1964: Wisconsin makes George Wallace a national candidate

In 1963, when he was inaugurate­d as governor of Alabama, George Wallace declared that he was for “segregatio­n now, segregatio­n tomorrow, segregatio­n forever.” To show that his whitesupre­macist/states-rights position wasn’t just a Deep South thing, Wallace in 1964 announced he was running for the Democratic nomination for president against incumbent Lyndon B. Johnson.

And the first place Wallace ran outside the South was Wisconsin, where he drew hundreds of supporters — and hundreds of protesters, some attempting to mock Wallace by arriving in blackface. Per past practice, Johnson wasn’t formally running in the primary race, but when it looked like Wallace was gaining traction, Wisconsin’s Democratic governor, John Reynolds, joined the race as a stand-in for LBJ. Reynolds won, but Wallace collected 260,000 votes — 30% of all Democratic votes cast in the state, drawing heavily from white ethnic neighborho­ods in Milwaukee, and showing his message had an appeal north of the Mason-Dixon line.

He ran again in 1968, as a third-party candidate, and in 1972 and 1976. In 1972, Wallace was on the campaign trail when he was paralyzed after being shot in an assassinat­ion attempt by Milwaukee native Arthur Bremer.

1968: Paul Newman for president

In some presidenti­al elections, there are candidates who really bring out the star power. In 1968, that was Eugene McCarthy, a Minnesota senator who challenged President Lyndon B. Johnson. Fueled by McCarthy’s stand against the Vietnam War, his campaign attracted some of Hollywood’s best and brightest stars — some of whom came to Wisconsin to rally voters.

The main attraction was actor Paul Newman, who made a dozen stops around the state speaking on behalf of McCarthy and drawing huge crowds wherever he went.

Not that the voters were confused about why they were there: “What do you like about McCarthy?” a Milwaukee Journal reporter asked a woman at a Newman appearance on Mitchell Street.

“Paul Newman,” she answered “as she pretended to sink to her knees.”

McCarthy handily won in Wisconsin, though it had as much to do with Johnson announcing days before the primary vote that he was not seeking reelection, and that McCarthy’s other rivals (Robert Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey) were not on the ballot in the state.

1976: In a mean year, Carter’s ‘Dewey Defeats Truman’ moment

During many of the Wisconsin primaries over the past few decades, the races largely have already been decided elsewhere (thanks a lot, Super Tuesday). But in 1976, the Democratic frontrunne­r, Jimmy Carter, really needed a win to firm up his grip on the nomination. And his biggest remaining rival, Morris Udall, had made an all-out push to win Wisconsin to put the brakes on the Carter bandwagon.

The 1976 Democratic primary in Wisconsin had more than its share of ugliness. While campaignin­g in Wisconsin, Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson, a Democrat from Washington, was spit on at the Madison airport by a protester who targeted the presidenti­al wannabe because Jackson had been considered a “hawk” on the Vietnam War. At a campaign stop in Madison, George Wallace, who in 1972 was shot and paralyzed by Milwaukee gunman Arthur Bremer, was met by a group of about a dozen wheelchair­pushing hecklers, some of whom were wearing masks with Bremer’s face.

For Carter, it looked like things might get ugly, too. The race was so close that the Milwaukee Sentinel reported in its first edition that Udall had won, only to change its tune in later editions when the final count pushed Wisconsin back into the win column for the future president.

The day after the primary, someone gave Carter a copy of the Sentinel’s early front page, and Carter held it up for photograph­ers — just as Harry Truman had done with the Chicago Tribune’s 1948 election headline “Dewey Defeats Truman.”

1992: The ‘comeback kid’ hangs on

The race for the Democratic nomination for president in 1992 was a slugfest, until it wasn’t. Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton, who had declared himself “the comeback kid” after winning in New Hampshire two months before, was leading on points by the time the candidates got to Wisconsin in April. But it wasn’t pretty: While one of his toughest rivals, Paul Tsongas of Massachuse­tts, had suspended his campaign, California Gov. Jerry Brown was still in there swinging, coming off a string of victories elsewhere.

Polls before the April 7 vote predicted a close contest, and it was: Clinton collected 37% of the vote in Wisconsin, while Brown had 34%. Tsongas, who had stopped actively campaignin­g in the state weeks earlier, ended up with nearly 22% of the vote. Clinton also beat Brown in the New York primary that same day (so did Tsongas), and the onetwo punch was enough. Brown, who had won five previous primaries in 1992, never won another, and a battered Clinton won the nomination.

2016: ‘We have a choice, a real choice’

Going into the 2016 Wisconsin primaries, both parties’ front-runners were looking to close the deal in the Badger State. It didn’t happen that way.

Hillary Clinton lost to Bernie Sanders, who got 57% of the Democratic votes. The Donald Trump juggernaut was slowed, if briefly, by Ted Cruz, who, buoyed by support from Gov. Scott Walker, won with 48% of the vote to Trump’s 35%. “Tonight is a turning point; it is a rallying cry,” Cruz told a crowd at American Serb Memorial Hall in his victory speech. “Wisconsin has lit a candle guiding the way forward.”

Not so much. After Cruz won the next two primaries, Trump swept the rest of the way, with Cruz dropping out in May. Sanders continued to have strong showings into June, before conceding the race to Clinton just before the convention. For the first time since 1964, Wisconsin primary voters didn’t pick the eventual nominee for either party.

 ?? MILWAUKEE JOURNAL ?? Sen. John F. Kennedy, center, is interviewe­d by NBC reporter Sander Vanocur in The MIlwaukee Journal newsroom on April 5, 1960, the night of the Wisconsin primary. Kennedy's chief rival, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, is seen standing behind Kennedy with his arms folded. At right, votes are tallied on a chalkboard while a member of the TV crew holds a boom mic to pick up the interview. This photo was published in the April 6, 1960, Milwaukee Journal.
MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Sen. John F. Kennedy, center, is interviewe­d by NBC reporter Sander Vanocur in The MIlwaukee Journal newsroom on April 5, 1960, the night of the Wisconsin primary. Kennedy's chief rival, Sen. Hubert Humphrey, is seen standing behind Kennedy with his arms folded. At right, votes are tallied on a chalkboard while a member of the TV crew holds a boom mic to pick up the interview. This photo was published in the April 6, 1960, Milwaukee Journal.
 ?? NBC ?? George Burns and Gracie Allen were the stars of radio's “Burns and Allen Show,” on which Allen campaigned for president in 1940.
NBC George Burns and Gracie Allen were the stars of radio's “Burns and Allen Show,” on which Allen campaigned for president in 1940.
 ?? JOURNAL SENTINEL FILES ?? Paul Newman takes a break while making a campaign appearance for Eugene McCarthy at Milwaukee's Alverno College on March 21, 1968.
JOURNAL SENTINEL FILES Paul Newman takes a break while making a campaign appearance for Eugene McCarthy at Milwaukee's Alverno College on March 21, 1968.

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