Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Shots near spearfishers expected to lead to charge

- Laura Schulte

The Vilas County Sheriff’s Office said that shots fired on Little Saint Germain Lake Saturday night were not meant to frighten tribal harvesters spearfishing at a pier nearby, but a tribal agency has countered that claim.

The man who fired the shots is expected to be charged with being armed while intoxicate­d, a misdemeano­r, Sheriff Joseph Fath said. The shots were reported about 9 p.m., he said, and was investigat­ed by deputies and wardens of the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission.

The man who fired the gun said he was trying to shoot a red squirrel outside of his home, but no shell casings or BBs were found, Fath said. Likewise, no evidence was seen on the lake near the pier, either.

Fath said a full report of the incident was still being compiled for the Vilas County District Attorney, but the report is expected to be finished and the man will be charged before the end of the week.

But the Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission, in a statement, said the harvesters were harassed before the gunshots. Several people were on a dock not far from the man’s house.

The release also explained that each year during spearfishing season, harvesters endure aggression, such as having rocks thrown at them and racial slurs yelled at them.

“This is indeed a sign that we need to continue to educate the broader public about federally protected treaty rights,” said Michael Isham, the commission’s executive director, in the release. “Tribal subsistenc­e harvesting has been a tradition for generation­s, and these tribal fishermen were simply out harvesting to feed their communitie­s.”

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