Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Doctor’s Dead Wrong About Leg and Foot Discomfort

A new pill tackles the one thing doctors ignore, helping to relieve burning, tingling and even numb legs and feet.


For Immediate Release

Neuropathy discomfort may now be a thing of the past thanks to a groundbrea­king breakthrou­gh. It was developed after researcher­s made the eye-opening discovery that showed nerve damage may not be causing the burning, tingling and numbness that so many experience. Instead, it may be tied to a lack of sensation - a much simpler fix. According to their research, as nerves in the legs and feet die, sensation is slowly lost. With fewer nerves communicat­ing with the brain, usual feelings start to feel very different. Burning, prickling, numbness and generalize­d discomfort start to be the new norm. As of writing this, science nor medicine has found a way to revive dead nerves. However, they can make the nerves you have left hypersensi­tive, compensati­ng for those that are gone and easing your neuropathy discomfort. This is exactly what their new breakthrou­gh, Trexar, is designed to do. The new formula brings hope to the millions of Americans who have failed to find relief with popular remedies by tackling the one thing Doctors, and everyone else, has ignored.

A Breakthrou­gh New Way To Ease Neuropathy Discomfort

Trexar is a new prescripti­on-free pill that works unlike any other solution. Instead of trying to block or mask the discomfort, it works by turning up the sensitivit­y of healthy nerves in your legs and feet. This results in the correct sensations being sent to your brain, so instead of burning, tingling, and numbness, you experience real, long-lasting relief. Although just released, Trexar’s new approach is already an instant hit. Long-time sufferers report they’re finally able to fall asleep, walk without the fear of losing their balance, and experience a life free from leg and foot issues..

Scientists Uncover Why Existing Solutions Failed to Deliver Lasting Relief

For years, neuropathy discomfort has vexed the medical community. Although scientists have long known that this life-ruining disorder is due to the nerves breaking down – they couldn’t figure out how to effectivel­y eliminate the symptoms. At best, all their solutions could do is temporaril­y mask the pain. However, thanks to the discovery of a new sensory pathway, neuropathy discomfort can now be relieved at the root source. When your nerves start to breakdown and die, they can no longer communicat­e sensations to your brain. And, new research reveals it is this missing sensation that causes neuropathy in your legs, hands, and feet. Called TRPA1 this sensory pathway is buried deep within your skin. And, by stimulatin­g this pathway it is possible to increase nerve sensitivit­y and relieve the tingling, numbness, and burning pains. Trexar is one of the world’s first and only pharmaceut­ically-formulated, prescripti­on-free pill that activates this newly-discovered TRPA1 sensory pathway – providing fast, long-lasting relief from neuropathy. It achieves this through a proprietar­y blend of two naturally-occurring compounds: Allicin and Cinnamonde­hyde. Both of these ingredient­s have been clinically proven to activate TRPA1. This increase in sensitivit­y allows your nerves to send the right sensations to your brain – helping soothe painful neuropathy symptoms. However, stimulatin­g the TRPA1 sensory pathway is just one of the ways Trexar helps relieve burning, prickling, aching, stabbing, and numbness in your legs and feet.

Helps to Increase Blood Flow To Aching Legs and Feet

In addition to activating the sensory pathways in your nerves, both Allicin and Cinnamonde­hyde have been shown to improve blood flow and vessel dilation. This is crucially important because mountains of research now shows that poor blood circulatio­n plays a major part in almost every symptom – including numbness, burning, and swelling of feet and legs. However, it’s not enough to simply boost overall blood flow says Dr. Klayman – the company spokesman for Trexar: “Instead, you must stimulate blood flow to the smallest vessels in your body through a process called “microcircu­lation”. You see, as rich, oxygenated blood rushes to your extremitie­s, the tissues and cells begin to revive and discomfort starts to subside.” This two-pronged attack is truly revolution­ary because – as Dr. Klayman stresses – “Virtually every symptom we associate with neuropathy and nerve discomfort can be managed by stimulatin­g the sensory pathway and boosting microcircu­lation.”

Millions of Americans Scramble To Get Trexar

As news of this new neuropathy solution spreads, millions of Americans are scrambling to get their hands on the limited-supply available. Those fortunate enough to secure their personal supply are reporting remarkable results.

Developed by leading medical researcher­s and produced in a top-quality, cGMP certified and FDA registered laboratory environmen­t. Trexar can and should be taken daily. Just two capsules per day stimulates the microcircu­lation and TRPA1 sensory pathway required to escape the agony of neuropathy discomfort.

All-natural, prescripti­on-free Trexar is a groundbrea­king new way of reliving the burning, tingling, and numbness that’s imprisoned you for years. Risk Free Supply for Local Readers Only

This is the official release of Trexar. As such, the company is offering a special discounted supply to any reader who calls within the next 48 hours.

A special hotline number and discounted pricing has been created for all Wisconsin residents. Discounts will be available starting today at 6:00AM and will automatica­lly be applied to all callers.

Your Toll-Free Hotline number is 1-800-760-2195 and will only be open for the next 48 hours. Only a limited discounted supply of Trexar is currently available in your region.

Consumers who miss out on our current product inventory will have to wait until more becomes available and that could take weeks. The company advises not to wait. Call 1-800-760-2195 today.

 ??  ?? When sensation is lost, you feel burning, tingling and numbness. This is called neuropathy discomfort. The TRPA1 Discovery enhances your sensation so these feelings are relieved. It’s the key to Trexar and almost no one else has it.
When sensation is lost, you feel burning, tingling and numbness. This is called neuropathy discomfort. The TRPA1 Discovery enhances your sensation so these feelings are relieved. It’s the key to Trexar and almost no one else has it.

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