Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Escape the couch and TV routine

- Hector Cantu & Carlos Castellano­s

Ask Carolyn

Dear Carolyn: Can you give me some direction on how to better keep my resolve? I’m single, 40-ish and, I swear, daily I wake up saying, “I’m going to read for an hour tonight,” or “I’m going to make a healthy lunch for tomorrow,” or “I’m going to do those stretches tonight.” And I get home and end up having a glass of wine with the dog in front of the TV and that’s that.

I’m in a rut carved out over years – so how do I change it? How do I follow through on my promise to read or cook or stretch? I’d like to eventually expand to engaging in broader social activities, but I need to start with just being more active in a positive way in my own home first. Doing these things before work is a nonstarter. I am a night person through and through.

Resolved: There’s resolve, and there’s what you actually want to do. The latter is so much more effective.

If what you actually want to do is sit on the couch with wine, dog and TV, then you will find ways to do that and resolve doesn’t stand a chance.

If your health (physical, mental, emotional) indicates a departure from the couch, or if you just want more balance, then make the couch time your reward for … let’s say 10 minutes of X, with X being stretches or reading or food prep, pick one and focus on it. That’s it. Ten minutes, then couch.

Or five minutes even. Every day. With couch bliss as your reward.

When it becomes habit, hike the time by five minutes. Just five.

Try for a few weeks and write back. I see the dog as a shiraz kind of guy. Good guess?

Re: Resolved: I had this same problem, which also often included falling asleep on the couch with the TV on for most or all of the night; I had a rough transition to living alone again after a breakup. I decided to change my environmen­t to break the habit and moved my TV into the bedroom. It was initially going to be for a short time, but I liked it so much I’ve kept it there so far. I may not always do all the things I planned, but I do have more space to think about how I want to spend my time without having to engage in massive willpower to avoid just crashing on the couch with TV to numb out. And if I do want to watch TV it’s a more conscious decision, and if I fall asleep to it at least I’m already in bed!

Anonymous: It’s a great point, and one worth expanding on: I think we tend to underestim­ate how much place affects life choices. Or at least the physical space of home or work or neighborho­od. What we see is what we tend to do. How much we exercise, eat, read, socialize, etc., all can be significantly affected by a seemingly low-significance change – like rearrangin­g furniture. Cool stuff. Thanks.

Email Carolyn at, follow her on Facebook at or chat with her online at noon Eastern time each Friday at washington­

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Carolyn Hax

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