Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Biden campaign includes more people of color in top positions

- Darlene Superville

WASHINGTON – Amid a summer of racial unrest and calls for more diversity in leadership, President Donald Trump lags Democratic rival Joe Biden in the percentage of people of color on their campaign staffs, according to data the campaigns provided to The Associated Press.

Twenty-five percent of the Republican president’s senior staff are nonwhite, compared to 36% of Biden’s senior staff. Biden’s overall campaign team is 35% nonwhite; Trump’s campaign did not provide a comparable number.

Neither campaign provided racial breakdowns for its nonwhite staff, nor the total number of staffers who are on payrolls, including senior staff.

Advocates for minority groups say staff diversity is necessary to ensure political candidates hear a full range of voices and viewpoints to help them understand the concerns of various communitie­s and interest groups.

Jennifer Lawless, commonweal­th professor of politics at the University of Virginia, said “there are still a lot of milestones that haven’t been hit” by political campaigns. She said having diverse staff at lower levels in campaigns can help increase the pool of future managers, finance chairs and others.

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