Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

In Wisconsin, getting disability strips federal boost to unemployme­nt

- Oren Oppenheim

A new form of unemployme­nt assistance is being denied to Wisconsini­tes with disabiliti­es — and Wisconsin is the only state in the nation denying those benefits to its disabled residents during the pandemic.

Because of a law passed by Republican lawmakers in 2013, people who have disabiliti­es and receive payments provided through Social Security Disability Insurance are barred from receiving the new federally funded unemployme­nt benefits for people who have lost work due to the virus outbreak.

The consequenc­es could be severe. For Alan Ferguson, he’s at risk of running out of money to pay for medication to keep his suicidal thoughts at bay.

The Evers administra­tion and U.S. Sen Tammy Baldwin are trying to change this rule during the pandemic, but so far have yet to hear back from the Trump administra­tion.

Ferguson, 56, who lives outside Mount Horeb in Dane County, said he’s been receiving assistance for his disabiliti­es since 2015 after an injury.

He relies on the payments “to make ends meet” but lost additional income for part-time electrical work once the pandemic spread to Wisconsin and business dropped.

That means Ferguson, a former police officer, may not be able to continue to afford $1,400 ketamine infusions he needs to alleviate suicidal thoughts he’s had for years as part of his diagnosis of clinical depression.

Due to the pandemic, the University of Wisconsin stopped performing infusions covered by insurance so now he pays for them out of pocket at a Milwaukee-based clinic.

“That was a lot of money to lose in one month . ... I’ve got an electric bill that I still owe on, and I’m looking at my electricit­y being shut off if I can’t come up with the money to pay it,” he said.

As an independen­t contractor, Ferguson doesn’t qualify for ordinary unemployme­nt insurance. And now he’s being told he isn’t eligible for Pandemic Unemployme­nt Assistance, either, which covers such contractor­s.

The new federal benefit was passed by Congress in a relief package known as the CARES Act. It provides up to 39 weeks of benefits to individual­s who are not eligible for regular unemployme­nt insurance, including “certain independen­t contractor­s,” according to the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Developmen­t.

In June, just Wisconsin and North Carolina could not provide the pandemic financial assistance to its residents with disabiliti­es, according to Victor Forberger, supervisin­g attorney for the University of Wisconsin’s Unemployme­nt Compensati­on Appeals Clinic.

North Carolina’s governor ultimately made disability benefit recipients eligible for the pandemic financial assistance by executive order.

“Wisconsin claims it cannot waive any able and available requiremen­ts, even ones created by state law . ... In other words, North Carolina is doing something Wisconsin considers impossible,” Forberger wrote in a blog post about the issue.

Jacqueline Gibeau, 54, of Brooklyn is worried she’s in the same boat as Ferguson.

Gibeau, who has been disabled since 2013, lost a part-time job she worked at an Old Navy store for three months — costing her a third of her income.

Gibeau said that she applied first for regular unemployme­nt benefits, got denied because of her disability benefits, and then applied for the federal pandemic assistance based on the guidance she received from the state DWD and how she understood the CARES Act.

She hasn’t been formally denied yet — but expects to be.

“Supposedly it’s on hold — whatever that means,” she said. “And I was only told that because I emailed everybody from my state representa­tive all the way to the president of the United States.”

Gibeau said she presumed benefits included in the CARES Act would include her, “because why wouldn’t it include me?”

“But Wisconsin seems to be the only state that didn’t hold true to that,” she said.

Thousands of Wisconsini­tes seeking unemployme­nt benefits have gone months without receiving benefits or a notification of whether they’ll receive them as the state’s outdated unemployme­nt system struggles to keep up with the overwhelmi­ng number of applicants who lost work because of the pandemic.

As of July 7, the state says it’s received 3.96 million weekly claims since March 15 and has paid out over 2.9 million of them. More than 462,000 people have been denied; 3.4 million weekly claims have been “resolved” overall, which means they were either paid or denied.

DWD spokesman Ben Jedd said that “approximat­ely five people were denied PUA benefits due to SSDI” before the agency put those applicatio­ns on hold until state officials hear from U.S. Department of Labor officials about how to proceed.

On June 9, DWD Secretary Caleb Frostman wrote to federal Department of Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia asking him to clarify if disability benefit recipients who don’t get regular unemployme­nt insurance could receive the pandemic unemployme­nt assistance.

The DWD had asked regional labor officials earlier but was told that disability benefit recipients wouldn’t be eligible for the pandemic assistance.

But Frostman argued that the federal officials had misinterpr­eted Wisconsin’s law, because in Wisconsin, those getting disability are disqualified from getting regular unemployme­nt and so should not be excluded from the pandemic benefits.

He added, “I am concerned that the interpreta­tion could be viewed as denying benefits based on disability … or having a disparate impact on individual­s with disabiliti­es,” which could be a violation of the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act.

In a letter on June 24 to Scalia, Baldwin, Rep. Gwen Moore, Rep. Ron Kind and Rep. Mark Pocan asked Scalia to answer Frostman’s letter. They also agreed that the Department of Labor’s interpreta­tion could have violated the Americans with Disabiliti­es Act.

Jedd, the DWD spokespers­on, said the DWD “absolutely supports Senator Baldwin’s letter” and hopes to get a response from federal officials “very soon.”

The federal Department of Labor did not return a request for comment.

Gibeau said she is ineligible for food stamps and had to keep paying rent and other expenses even after losing her income for over two months.

“And it got to a point where I couldn’t afford my medication, so I started splitting (the medication) in half,” she said.

“But people from the outside have commented, ‘Why don’t you go get a job at Walmart? Why don’t you go get a job at an essential business?’ ” she said. “They don’t understand that people who are disabled (already) have a relationsh­ip with their employer” who allows them the accommodat­ions they need to still perform their jobs.

Ferguson said he appealed his denial and was told by DWD it could take seven weeks before a date would be set for an appeal hearing.

In the meantime, Ferguson said the agency’s online unemployme­nt system asks him not to file weekly claims until a decision is made in the case, but a letter in the mail told him to continue filing. He said that he hasn’t been able to clarify the discrepanc­y with agency officials.

Both Ferguson and Gibeau said they reached out to state and federal officials, without much response.

Philip Rocco, a professor of political science at Marquette University, said the federal labor agency’s interpreta­tion of how the CARES Act applies to Wisconsini­tes with disabiliti­es could violate the law.

“I do think there could be a viable (lawsuit)” about the federal labor officials’ “interpreta­tion of the CARES Act, since it could in fact disproport­ionately lock people with disabiliti­es out of (pandemic unemployme­nt assistance) coverage,” Rocco said in an email to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

He also agrees with Frostman, saying federal labor officials “potentiall­y misinterpr­eted the relationsh­ip between state law” and the pandemic unemployme­nt benefit program.

Ferguson said there could be dire consequenc­es by the time it is sorted out.

“I don’t know how we’re supposed to pay (for disability treatments), or people who are behind on rent, and mortgage, and utilities … without having that supplement­al income from working, it’s just killing people,” he said.

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