Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Coffee shop defying mask order calls police on health inspector

- Lawrence Andrea

MADISON - The owner of a Middleton coffee shop allegedly defying Dane County’s indoor mask order called police Wednesday after county health officials visited the shop, Middleton police say.

Helbachs Coffee in Middleton has taken heat in recent days after a photograph declaring the business a mask-free zone circulated on social media.

“This is a mask free zone. Please remove mask before entering,” a sign reportedly pinned to the door of the coffee shop on Monday said.

A Dane County order requiring face coverings in all indoor public spaces went into effect Monday. Businesses or groups of individual­s who violate the mandate after a first warning can be fined $376 in Madison and $263.50 in the rest of the county.

Middleton Police Sgt. Terry Hanson said officers were called to Helbachs Wednesday because the owner “did not like what they were hearing from the Dane County health services.”

“He did not like what he was being told by the health inspector,” Hanson said. “He did not want them in his business, and it was explained to him that they have every right to be there.”

Madison Assistant City Attorney Marci Paulsen, who went into Helbachs with the Public Health Madison and Dane County inspector, said the owner was “not receptive” to requests to comply with public health orders.

“It didn’t go well,” Paulsen told the Journal Sentinel. “The owner wasn’t receptive to listening to us. He said we were harassing him and he contacted the police and asked them to come out because he felt we were harassing him.”

Paulsen said one of the two workers in the shop was wearing a mask. The owner was not wearing a mask. She added the sign was no longer on the shop’s door. A reporter’s call to the store was not returned. To date, public health officials have issued just three citations for violations of the county’s order.

Paulsen said Helbachs faces the possibilit­y of citations and a potential suspension or revocation of its food and drink license. But she noted the county generally gives businesses the opportunit­y to voluntaril­y comply with the order.

A spokespers­on for Public Health Madison and Dane County said they are working with city attorneys on next steps, “which could include revocation of (the coffee shop’s) food and drink license.”

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