Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Mayor of Portland to Trump: Get your troops out of the city

- Andrew Selsky and Gillian Flaccus Selsky reported from Salem.

PORTLAND, Ore. – The mayor of Portland demanded Friday that President Donald Trump remove militarize­d federal agents he deployed to the city after some detained people on streets far from federal property they were sent to protect.

“Keep your troops in your own buildings, or have them leave our city,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said at a news conference.

Democratic Gov. Kate Brown said Trump is looking for a confrontat­ion in the hopes of winning political points elsewhere and to serve as a distractio­n from the coronaviru­s pandemic, which is causing spiking numbers of infections in Oregon and the nation.

Brown’s spokesman, Charles Boyle, said Friday that arresting people without probable cause is “extraordin­arily concerning and a violation of their civil liberties and constituti­onal rights.”

The ACLU of Oregon said the federal agents appear to be violating citizens’rights.

“Usually when we see people in unmarked cars forcibly grab someone off the street we call it kidnapping,” said Jann Carson, interim executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon. “The actions of the militarize­d federal officers are flat-out unconstitu­tional and will not go unanswered.”

Federal officers have charged at least 13 people with crimes related to the protests so far, Oregon Public Broadcasti­ng reported Thursday. Some have been detained by the federal courthouse, which has been the scene of protests. But others were grabbed blocks away.

“This is part of the core media strategy out of Trump’s White House: to use federal troops to bolster his sagging polling data,” Wheeler said. “And it is an absolute abuse of federal law enforcemen­t officials.”

One video showed two people in helmets and green camouflage with “police” patches grabbing a person on the sidewalk, handcuffing them and taking them into an unmarked vehicle.

“Who are you?” someone asks the pair, who do not respond. At least some of the federal officers belong to the Department of Homeland Security.

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection said in a statement that its agents had informatio­n indicating the person in the video was suspected of assaulting federal agents or destroying federal property.

“Once CBP agents approached the suspect, a large and violent mob moved towards their location. For everyone’s safety, CBP agents quickly moved the suspect to a safer location,” the agency said. However, the video shows no mob.

In another case, Mark Pettibone, 29, said a minivan rolled up to him around 2 a.m. Wednesday and four or five people got out “looking like they were deployed to a Middle Eastern war.”

Pettibone told The Associated Press he got to his knees as the group approached. They dragged him into the van without identifyin­g themselves or responding to his questions, he said.

“I figured I was just going to disappear for an indefinite amount of time,” Pettibone said.

Pettibone said he was put into a cell and officers dumped the contents of his backpack, with one remarking: “Oh, this is a bunch of nothing.”

After he asked for a lawyer, Pettibone was allowed to leave.

“Authoritar­ian government­s, not democratic republics, send unmarked authoritie­s after protesters,” Democratic U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley said in a tweet.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations Oregon chapter said in a statement: “We are now seeing escalating tactics with protesters being unlawfully detained by unknown Federal law enforcemen­t entities.”

U.S. Attorney Billy Williams in Portland said Friday he has requested the Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General investigat­e the actions of DHS personnel.

Oregon’s two senators and two of its House members announced they will also be asking the DHS inspector general as well as the U.S. Department of Justice to investigat­e “the unrequeste­d presence and violent actions of federal forces in Portland.”

“It’s painfully clear this administra­tion is focused purely on escalating violence without answering my repeated requests for why this expedition­ary force is in Portland and under what constituti­onal authority,” Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden said.

The Department of Homeland Security had no immediate comment when reached by AP on Friday.

On Thursday night, federal officers deployed tear gas and fired non-lethal rounds into a crowd of protesters.

Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad Wolf visited Portland on Thursday and called the demonstrat­ors, who are protesting racism and police brutality, “violent anarchists.”

Wolf blamed state and city authoritie­s for not putting an end to the protests. But Portland police said Friday they wound up arresting 20 people overnight.

At least two protests occurred Thursday night, one near the federal courthouse and the other by a police station in another part of the city. Police told protesters to leave that site after announcing they heard some chanting about burning down the building. Protester Paul Frazier said Friday the chant was “much more rhetorical than an actual statement.”

Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell told reporters Friday that his officers are in contact with the federal agents, but that neither controls the others’ actions.

“We do communicat­e with federal officers for the purpose of situationa­l awareness and deconfliction,” Lovell said. “We’re operating in a very, very close proximity to one another … so it’s important for us to know if they’re going to take some type of action and it’s important for them to know if we’re going to take some type of action.”

The American Civil Liberties Union said it would file legal papers Friday to add the federal government to a lawsuit it filed earlier to halt the use of crowd control measures, including tear gas and rubber bullets, against journalist­s and legal observers at protests in Portland.

Tensions have escalated in the past two weeks, particular­ly after an officer with the U.S. Marshals Service fired a less-lethal round at a protester’s head on July 11, critically injuring him.

The protests following the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapoli­s have often devolved into violent clashes between smaller groups and the police. The unrest has caused deep divisions in a city that prides itself on its activism and progressiv­e reputation.

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