Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Study says better AC can slow warming


BERLIN – Making air conditione­rs and fridges more energy efficient and using more climate-friendly refrigeran­ts can significantly slow global warming, according to a U.N.-backed report released Friday.

The report published by the U.N. Environmen­t Program and the Internatio­nal Energy Agency claims greater efficiency and the replacemen­t of harmful refrigeran­ts could prevent the equivalent of four to eight years of current global greenhouse gas emissions over the next four decades.

Demand for cooling appliances is predicted to almost quadruple by 2050 as the planet heats and more people need air conditione­rs. But cheap devices often consume a lot of electricit­y that’s generated from coal or gas-fired power plants, which in turn fuel global warming.

“Air conditioni­ng is a two-edged sword,” said Durwood Zaelke, a U.S.based environmen­tal lawyer who contribute­d to the report. “You need it because the world is warming, but it contribute­s to warming unless you make it super efficient.”

Another problem with cooling devices is that many still use hydrofluorocarbon­s, a group of potent but shortlived greenhouse gases. Experts say banishing them is one of the fastest ways to curb global warming – up to 0.4 degrees Celsius (0.72 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of the century.

In 2016, countries negotiated a binding treaty to phase out HFCs known as the Kigali Amendment – tacked onto the highly successful Montreal Protocol that helped repair the ozone hole. But major polluters such as the United States, China, India and Russia have yet to ratify it.

Even countries that have ratified the treaty struggle to crack down on illegal refrigeran­ts smuggling.

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