Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Ginsburg reveals new cancer battle

- Richard Wolf and Kristine Phillips

WASHINGTON – Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg announced Friday she is battling cancer again, just days after she was hospitaliz­ed for a possible infection.

The 87-year-old Ginsburg, a fourtime cancer survivor who announced in January that she was cancer-free, said a periodic scan and a biopsy revealed lesions on her liver, but chemothera­py treatment that began in May is “yielding positive results.” Her most recent scan last week showed “significant reduction” of the lesions, the justice said in a brief statement.

“I am tolerating chemothera­py well and am encouraged by the success of my current treatment,” Ginsburg said. “I will continue bi-weekly chemothera­py to keep my cancer at bay, and am able to maintain an active daily routine. Throughout, I have kept up with opinion writing and all other court work.”

This is Ginsburg’s fifth bout with cancer, following colon cancer in 1999, pancreatic cancer in 2009, lung cancer in 2018 and more pancreatic cancer last year. Still, she said she would stay on the court “as long as I can do the job full steam,” a phrase she has used many times in the past.

For years, Ginsburg’s health has been a concern for Democrats who worry that the high court’s 5-4 conservati­ve majority could be expanded if she were to leave the bench before the November presidenti­al election. Even if Democrats sweep to victories, Republican­s will control the Senate at least until Jan. 3, and President Donald Trump will be in office at least until Jan. 20.

Ginsburg said her recent hospitaliz­ations to remove gall stones and treat an infection were unrelated to her cancer.

Ginsburg was taken to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore earlier this week after she experience­d fever and chills. She was treated for a possible infection and underwent an endoscopic procedure to clean out a bile duct stent that was inserted last August.

She had been hospitaliz­ed in May following an infection, the Supreme Court said.

Ginsburg, the second-longest-serving justice on the bench, was nominated by President Bill Clinton in 1993. She is the leader of the court’s liberal wing, which includes Associate Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan.

Should a vacancy occur on the court while Trump and Republican­s remain in power, the leading candidates likely are federal appeals court judges Amul Thapar of Kentucky and Amy Coney Barrett of Indiana.

Known fondly to her vast network of supporters as simply “RBG” or the “Notorious RBG,” Ginsburg emerged from three weeks of radiation treatment for pancreatic cancer last fall by traveling the nation giving speeches, staging conversati­ons and accepting awards and honorary degrees.

“As cancer survivors know, that dread disease is a challenge, and it helps to know that people are rooting for you. Now, it’s not universal,” she quipped in September at the famed 92nd Street Y in New York City. She vowed to stay on the job “as long as I’m healthy and mentally agile.”

Ginsburg’s predicamen­t is similar to that faced by the court’s last civil rights pioneer, Associate Justice Thurgood Marshall, in 1991. With his health declining as he approached his 83rd birthday, he retired during the third year of Republican George H.W. Bush’s presidency.

Marshall ultimately lived four days into the administra­tion of Democratic President Bill Clinton. But by then his seat was held by Clarence Thomas, now the court’s longest-serving and most conservati­ve justice.

Ginsburg has shown no similar signs of “coming apart,” as Marshall described himself in a 1991 news conference, though she did miss the first oral arguments of her career in 2019 while recovering from lung cancer surgery. In May, she participat­ed in oral arguments by telephone from the hospital.

Before her fourth cancer was diagnosed, Ginsburg had said she hoped to stay on the bench for at least five more years, noting that the late Associate Justice John Paul Stevens served until age 90.

The second pancreatic cancer was concerning because it is the deadliest kind, with an average five-year survival rate of 9%, lowest of all cancers. But Ginsburg has lived 11 years since her first bout.

If Ginsburg were to leave the court this year, it would mirror the situation in 2016, when Associate Justice Antonin Scalia’s death set in motion a drama that consumed all three branches of government throughout the presidenti­al campaign.

President Barack Obama offered up a compromise candidate, 63-year-old Merrick Garland, chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., refused even to hold a hearing. The court muddled through the second half of its term and most of its next one with eight justices, until Gorsuch was confirmed in April of 2017.

With that history in mind, Democrats and liberals have said any vacancy on the left side of the court should remain open through the November election. But with the White House and Senate in GOP hands, McConnell has vowed to “leave no vacancy behind.”

 ?? NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is battling a new cancer.
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is battling a new cancer.

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