Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Tired of hearing husband complain about colleague

- Carolyn Hax

Adapted from an online discussion.

Dear Carolyn: I’ve been married for 14 years, and for the last 11, my husband (“Joe”) has been in the same job, working alongside a colleague who predated him at the small company. The colleague is not very good at what they do and doesn’t take initiative, which means Joe has to run most of the projects in the office, even though they are technicall­y peers.

Their mutual boss knows this but doesn’t do anything about it. Some people think the colleague is senior to Joe since the colleague has been there longer, which bothers Joe a lot. Also, Joe suspects the colleague is getting paid the same, even though Joe works twice as much as the colleague.

I’ve had to hear Joe complain about this person on and off for 11 freaking years. I’ve tried listening, making suggestion­s, trying to provide some perspectiv­e – saying, for example, if this colleague is the worst part of a job you otherwise like and pays well, then so be it, etc. – but I feel like it hasn’t improved. I’m still hearing about colleague weekly, if not daily.

Is there a point when I can tell Joe I’m just so sick of hearing about the colleague and he either needs to do something about it, change his views on it, or just stop mentioning it to me? – Oh, It’s Groundhog Day again

Oh, It’s Groundhog Day again: Sure. It’s a fair complaint. And a loving one, if you say it warmly and if saying it means you don’t start rejecting his companions­hip out of wild-eyed exasperati­on that you haven’t given him a chance to address.

It may be too late for this, or maybe you’ve already tried it as part of the 1,000,000 ways you’ve urged him to talk about something else. But …

Joe does have choices, as we all do, even if he thinks he has no other options for employment. Whether he knows it or not, Joe is choosing to stay in this situation over job-hunting or being unemployed.

You could use this word, too: prefers. He actually prefers this to the alternativ­es. When he no longer prefers to do his colleague’s work for him gratis over the alternativ­es, and no longer prefers to do nothing about his situation except complain about it, then Joe will presumably start looking for other work.

If he is able to see it that way, then maybe it’ll lessen or even stop the chafing of feeling “stuck” against his will.

Re: Joe: I’m an economics professor and your mention of trading off characteri­stics and that Joe must “prefer” something about this job sound a lot like my consumer theory lecture! – Anonymous

Anonymous: Next stop, Hollywood! Re: Joe: He needs an alternativ­e coping mechanism. It doesn’t even have to necessaril­y involve her. He’s just been relying on an unconditio­nally open ear out of necessity and convenienc­e not realizing the long-term effect it’s having. – Anonymous 2

Anonymous 2: Good point. And her letting him know it’s affecting her is a good place to start figuring out a Plan B.

Email Carolyn at, follow her on Facebook at or chat with her online at noon Eastern time each Friday at washington­

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