Milwaukee Journal Sentinel


VP: Trump is committed to reopening country


John and Barb Schaller give Vice President Mike Pence, right, a tour of their farm Friday at Morning Star Dairy in Onalaska. Pence visited the dairy farm and promoted the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement that replaced the North America Free Trade Agreement.

RIPON - In a visit Friday to a city central to the founding of the Republican Party, Vice President Mike Pence argued Democrats were turning the country toward socialism, touted a border wall and praised police officers.

“Joe Biden would weaken the thin blue line that separates order from chaos,” Pence said of the Democratic candidate for president during a 30minute speech at Ripon College.

“Under President Donald Trump, we will stand with those who stand on the thin blue line and we will never defund the police. We will defend the police every day. This president and this administra­tion will back the blue.”

He called for backing law enforcemen­t amid an eruption of protests over the treatment of Black people. He scoffed at the idea that police officers have an implicit bias against minorities.

“We know that it’s a false choice to think that we have to choose between supporting law enforcemen­t and supporting our African-American neighbors and friends,” Pence told the almost entirely white crowd.

“Under President Donald Trump, we will support law enforcemen­t, improve public safety and stand with AfricanAme­rican families and all our minorities to improve quality of life.”

Attendance at Pence’s speech was limited to 50 people because of the coronaviru­s pandemic. Attendees had their temperatur­es checked as they entered the event, wore face masks and sat in chairs that were 6 feet apart from one another.

The setup contrasted with the one at the party’s state convention, where few wore masks and many spent time close together.

Pence’s visit came just after the United States reported a record 75,600 coronaviru­s cases Thursday. Nine hundred of them were in Wisconsin.

Pence touched briefly on the pandemic, contending Trump had dealt with the illness aggressive­ly and was committed to reopening the country.

“We are meeting this moment with American compassion and American resolve,” he said.

Biden communicat­ions director Kate Bedingfield called Pence’s stop “damage control” in a battlegrou­nd state.

“As VP Pence attempts to gloss over the Trump administra­tion’s bungled response to the pandemic, the choice for Wisconsin voters could not be more clear,” Bedingfield said in a statement. “Instead of propping up the wealthy and powerful, Joe Biden will ensure we reopen safely, get relief to those in need, and help us Build Back Better by creating millions of good-paying jobs and supporting working families across the Badger State.”

Pence’s stop is a reminder Wisconsin remains a top target in the presidenti­al race. Trump narrowly won the state in 2016, becoming the first Republican presidenti­al candidate to claim it since Ronald Reagan won reelection in 1984.

Trump has struggled in recent polls. Biden led Trump 49% to 41% of registered Wisconsin voters in a June survey by Marquette University Law School.

Pence made his case that Republican­s are the party of freedom in a city that played a crucial role in forming the Republican Party to fight slavery. In 1854, Whigs, Free Soilers and disaffected Democrats met at a Ripon schoolhous­e to discuss the formation of a new abolitioni­st party.

Pence said Democrats are offering a very different agenda.

“Their road leads to socialism and decline,” he said.

He stressed that Biden had been working closely with U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the self-described democratic socialist who lost the Democratic presidenti­al nomination.

“I thought Joe Biden won the Democratic primaries,” Pence said. “But looking at their unity agenda, it looks to me like Bernie won. When you look at their agenda, the only thing they ended up unifying was Joe Biden to the radical left.”

The race, Pence said, is “not so much whether America will be more conservati­ve or more liberal, more Republican or Democrat, more red or blue. It’s whether America remains America.”

From Ripon, Pence headed to a dairy farm in Onalaska, where he talked up the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. He called the deal, which replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement, a “great win for American agricultur­e.”

He also said farmers would be included in another round of pandemic relief Congress will soon debate — though Democrats and Republican­s remain far apart on legislatio­n and made no promises about reaching a compromise.

Pence has been a frequent visitor to Wisconsin, with his last trip here less than a month ago.

During his June trip, he made two stops in Waukesha County to talk about school choice, security and religious freedom. The same week Trump toured Fincantier­i Marinette Marine in northern Wisconsin.

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 ?? MARK HOFFMAN / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Vice President Mike Pence takes his seat at a discussion Friday at Morning Star Dairy in Onalaska, where he promoted the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement that replaced the North America Free Trade Agreement.
MARK HOFFMAN / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Vice President Mike Pence takes his seat at a discussion Friday at Morning Star Dairy in Onalaska, where he promoted the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement that replaced the North America Free Trade Agreement.

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