Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Bipartisan group launches effort to boost absentee voting, make polling places safe

- Molly Beck Contact Molly Beck at Follow her on Twitter at @MollyBeck.

MADISON - The current and former attorneys general of Wisconsin are leading a campaign to expand absentee voting and to make it safe to cast ballots in person — an effort aiming to ensure Wisconsin's second major pandemic election goes more smoothly than the first.

Attorney General Josh Kaul, a Democrat, and former Republican Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen are at the head of a bipartisan group known as VoteSafe WI composed of a former governor, former congressme­n, and state and local leaders.

The goal appears to be educating voters about how to vote by mail. Van Hollen told reporters in a call Tuesday that he believes mishaps during the spring election with absentee voting would have been fewer if voters had better informatio­n.

"We're trying to eliminate some of that confusion," he said.

The effort is a Wisconsin arm of a national group led by former U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security and Pennsylvan­ia Gov. Tom Ridge, a Republican, and former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, a Democrat.

"When it comes to preparing our voting systems for November, we must be prepared to execute two simultaneo­us elections — an in-person option with all of the secure infrastruc­ture and health accommodat­ions that requires, plus a robust and secure absentee ballot process with the support needed to run efficiently," Granholm and Ridge said in a recent statement.

Kaul and Van Hollen didn't have specific details about how the group would work, but Kaul said raising awareness is a key goal.

Van Hollen said the group may pay for ads to accomplish the goal.

"We want to use that time to get in place procedures to make sure voters are safe and secure to vote," Kaul said.

The group seeks to boost mail-in voting at a time when President Donald Trump is seeking to block such efforts.

Trump, who narrowly won Wisconsin in 2016, has voiced suspicions about mail voting and has alleged without evidence that it contribute­s to voter fraud. Despite his opposition to the practice, many Wisconsin Republican­s have gotten behind the idea this year.

And Wisconsin's campaign comes three months after the state's spring election, during which state leaders were heavily criticized over the way it played out.

The April 7 election was held after a last-minute effort by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers to postpone it and a chaotic 24 hours during which Republican legislativ­e leaders successful­ly fought to keep it in place.

A U.S. Supreme Court decision issued during the battle creating a postmark deadline in state law resulted in hundreds of ballots from being counted.

Van Hollen told reporters Tuesday that the group's launch is not a direct reaction to the April 7 election, but that the effort wouldn't likely exist if the pandemic hadn't happened.

Voters here are increasing­ly turning to mail voting amid the coronaviru­s outbreak. Health experts say absentee voting helps reduce the risk of the spread of the virus since many fewer people will be gathering in person.

Nearly 1 million people voted by mail in the April election for state Supreme Court, far outstrippi­ng the previous record. Even more are expected to vote absentee for the presidenti­al election in November.

The post office's internal watchdog chalked the problems up to receiving outgoing absentee ballots at the last moment from election officials, inconsiste­nt postmarkin­g of ballots and one mail carrier's inattentio­n to getting absentee ballots to voters in Fox Point.

A massive shortage of poll workers also pushed election officials in large municipali­ties to consolidat­e the number of polling locations for in-person voting.

In Milwaukee and Green Bay, tens of thousands of people had just a handful of places to cast ballots — leading to long lines and hours-long waits.

Members of the VoteSafe WI group include:

Former Gov. Scott McCallum (R) Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley (D)

Former Congressma­n Tom Petri (R)

Former Congressma­n Reid Ribble (R)

State Treasurer Sarah Godlewski (D)

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