Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Similariti­es between women’s vote, MeToo, BLM

- Meg Jones Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

One hundred years ago this month Tennessee was the last state — with Wisconsin the first — to ratify the 19th Amendment allowing all American women to vote.

The fight by women for the right to choose their government representa­tives took decades. Women marched, protested, stood silently outside the White House holding signs and pleaded with those in power for referendum­s to change the way things were to the way things should be. Equality.

The struggle started by women suffragist­s in Wisconsin and other states is a struggle that continues — to vote, to end systemic racism, to end sexism.

The energy of thousands of women fighting for the right to vote is not unlike the energy associated with the Black Lives Matter and MeToo movements.

“I think with all change it’s the voice of the people when it hits that crescendo that really creates change,” said Debra Cronmiller, executive director of the League of Women Voters in Wisconsin.

“The voice of justice is very loud now. I do think we will see change like when we saw change in granting universal suffrage and the change in the 1960s with civil rights,” Cronmiller said.

The League of Women Voters grew out of the women's suffrage movement and was founded by suffragist Carrie Chapman Catt, who was born in Ripon.

The fact Wisconsin was the first of the required 36 states to ratify the 19th Amendment belies the state's prior record in the effort to grant women universal suffrage.

For a state known as a bastion of progressiv­ism, whose motto is “Forward,” Wisconsin had been neither progressiv­e nor forward-thinking in its treatment of women. Numerous attempts to grant Wisconsin women full voting powers over decades went down in flames. Until the morning of June 10, 1919. Only a handful of state legislatur­es were still in session, Wisconsin among them, when Congress approved the 19th Amendment on June 4, 1919, granting all American women full voting rights.

Most states had to wait until their legislatur­es gathered to vote, a process that ended up taking more than a year, until Tennessee was the last to ratify in August 1920.

But Wisconsin lawmakers, not unlike current legislator­s, did not finish all their business by the end of the legislativ­e calendar and were still meeting that June. The Illinois Legislatur­e was in session, too.

At 10:48 a.m. on June 10, 1919, Illinois lawmakers ratified the 19th Amendment, while Wisconsin's Legislatur­e passed it at 11:52 a.m., according to a front-page account in The Milwaukee Journal.

In a border rivalry that preceded (by two years) the first Green Bay PackersChi­cago Bears football game, each state sent a courier racing by car and train to Washington, D.C., to quickly deliver documents to the State Department.

However, there was an error in Illinois' document. A new one had to be drafted, approved and sent to Washington. It arrived eight days after Wisconsin's paperwork.

Even though Wisconsin was the first state, suffragists here faced enormous difficulties including repeated stonewalli­ng by an all-male Legislatur­e.

Because politician­s don't listen to people who don't vote, it was an uphill battle for Wisconsin women. Part of the

“There are similariti­es between all movements to create change to ensure that all people have the freedoms ... That our voice would count, our vote would count.”

problem was voters had to approve referendum­s giving women the vote and male voters had no incentive to do that.

Another roadblock in Wisconsin was the fact that suffrage and the temperance movement were intertwine­d. Many suffragists also campaigned for moderation or abstinence of liquor because women and children were affected by husbands and fathers who visited taverns on payday, leaving little or no money for food and housing.

However, that meant suffragists often clashed with Wisconsin's powerful beer lobby as well as the state's mostly conservati­ve, ale-drinking German immigrant population­s.

The Wisconsin Woman Suffrage Associatio­n formed in 1869 during a standing-room-only convention at Milwaukee City Hall. Starting that year, women could run for school boards and other elective school offices in Wisconsin, but couldn't vote for themselves.

Not until 1886 did the Legislatur­e pass a law allowing women to vote in school elections, and that was only after Wisconsin men approved the measure in a statewide referendum. Apparently, women voting on school issues was acceptable to Wisconsin's male legislator­s, but not so on other offices.

Some suffragists worried that if ballots

Debra Cronmiller executive director of the League of Women Voters in Wisconsin

contained candidates for several positions, not just school board members, women wouldn't be allowed to vote. That's exactly what happened in spring 1887, the first election in which Wisconsin women were allowed to vote. Some women's votes were discarded, and some women were simply barred from voting because the wording of the provision was vague.

A suffrage leader sued to get her ballot accepted, and a circuit court judge agreed. The state Supreme Court reversed the decision in 1888, ruling that there was no way to guarantee women were voting only for school offices. The Supreme Court said the law needed to be rewritten.

Not until 1901 did the Legislatur­e finally allow separate school ballots for women. This was 50 years after Kansas women had received the same voting rights.

Wisconsin suffragists managed to persuade the Legislatur­e in 1911 to call for a statewide referendum allowing women full voting powers. The next year it was soundly defeated with almost two-thirds of male voters giving it a thumbs down.

In 1913, Wisconsin's Legislatur­e authorized another referendum granting women full voting rights, but the governor vetoed it. Two years later lawmakers rejected yet another full suffrage referendum.

Women continued lobbying and fighting for the right to vote in all elections, though national leaders had determined that Wisconsin was a lost cause by 1916 and efforts shifted to a campaign to amend the Constituti­on, rather than trying to change voting laws in individual states.

Then, just three months before Congress approved the 19th Amendment, Wisconsin's Legislatur­e passed another limited voting bill, allowing women in the state to vote only in presidenti­al elections.

State suffragists were decidedly underwhelm­ed, declaring it was too little, too late. A few months later, tables turned in Wisconsin in a hurry.

Apparently male legislator­s in the Badger State saw the writing on the wall and it said suffrage was going to happen soon. They jumped on the bandwagon and Wisconsin became the first state to ratify the 19th Amendment.

The next year, millions of women in the United States voted for the first time in the 1920 presidenti­al election.

While more men voted than women for many years following ratification of the 19th Amendment, starting a few decades ago women began voting in greater numbers than men. Since 1980, the compositio­n of American voters in presidenti­al elections has been roughly 53% female and 47% male, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

For the League of Women Voters in Wisconsin, the struggle that started so many years ago continues. The group filed a lawsuit against the requiremen­t that all Wisconsin voters must show a photo ID. And Cronmiller said the gerrymande­ring of state voting districts, which were changed by the Wisconsin Legislatur­e following the 2010 census, infringes on voter rights.

The fight over absentee ballots in the April presidenti­al primary and the upcoming November election is being watched keenly by the League of Women Voters, which supports voting by mail. The group is also asking for all polling places to open for the presidenti­al election to avoid hours-long waits at some sites in Wisconsin in April.

“There are similariti­es between all movements to create change to ensure that all people have the freedoms our founding mothers and fathers tried to ensure all citizens would have. That our voice would count, our vote would count,” said Cronmiller.

“Those principles are still fighting for.”

 ?? WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY ?? Members of the Political Equality League ride in an early Ford automobile draped with bunting reading “Votes for Women” in Milwaukee in this undated photo. In the front seat is Mrs. B.C. Gudden. In the back seat, left to right, are Ruth Fitch, Bertha Pratt King and Helen Mann.
WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Members of the Political Equality League ride in an early Ford automobile draped with bunting reading “Votes for Women” in Milwaukee in this undated photo. In the front seat is Mrs. B.C. Gudden. In the back seat, left to right, are Ruth Fitch, Bertha Pratt King and Helen Mann.

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