Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Joe Biden needs to go to Wisconsin often during the campaign

- Your Turn Robert Weiner and Ben Lasky Guest columnists

It is important that Biden return to Wisconsin many times before the election to show the importance of the state

While some events will still take place in Milwaukee during the Democratic National Convention next week, it’s sad the city will not be the site of Joe Biden’s acceptance speech. He could have spoken to a room of a hundred people spaced out in a ballroom. In 2012, President Barack Obama moved his acceptance speech from a stadium for 65,000 people to a smaller indoor arena for 17,000. The convention local organizing chair, former Charlotte mayor and Secretary of Transporta­tion Anthony Foxx, told us he agreed many were angry and the action may have cost Obama the state in the general election. He had won the state in 2008. People of North Carolina felt dissed.

It is important that Biden return to Wisconsin many times before the election to show the importance that he places on the state.

However, the convention still matters. In Congress, one of the enormous and regularly missed media opportunit­ies is all the committees’ annual reports that lay out their agendas. Stories on those would be scoops on the bills to come.

That’s what the Democratic Platform does, except sooner.

The convention won’t have the pomp and circumstan­ce that it has in the past. Major speeches will take place in the speaker’s home or city. But Biden’s campaign has worked with many of his competitor­s in the primaries for months to put together the platform.

Right after the opening ceremonies on Monday, the body will hear and vote the Platform Committee report. It’s one of the least visible but most important parts of the convention. If Democrats win control of the presidency, House and Senate in November, much in the platform will become legislatio­n. Beyond

the general themes of the convention the Biden campaign outlined Aug. 7 (America coming together, providing leadership and integrity, creating a more perfect union, and using principles to guide the nation), the platform states the bills and actions that will happen during his presidency.

Biden and Bernie Sanders released platform recommenda­tions from their “unity task forces.” Biden has worked similarly with Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and most of the candidates.

Economic recovery

Democrats will repeal the Trump tax cuts, reform the bankruptcy code, and set price caps on prescripti­on drugs. The platform addresses the Biden strategy to recover after COVID-19 with testing, social distancing, meeting limitation­s, and research cooperatio­n worldwide — no head in the sand approach. The platform would reverse the Trump Administra­tion’s lack of strategy that has resulted in more than 165,000 dead so far, three times the number of Americans who died in the Vietnam War.

The platform largely adopts Elizabeth Warren’s plan for student debt relief and tax fairness. It reverses the

Trump cuts for the top 1%.

Movement on healthcare

Much like Biden’s position during the Democratic primary, the task force called for improving on the Affordable Care Act over Medicare for All. However, Medicare For All as an ultimate objective will be acknowledg­ed for the first time in a major party’s platform: “Generation­s of Democrats have been united in the fight for universal health care. We are proud our party welcomes advocates who want to build on and strengthen the Affordable Care Act and those who support a Medicare for All approach.”

The platform proposes reducing Medicare eligibilit­y from 65 to 60. In addition, it adds a “federal option” to Obamacare.

Action on climate change

Acknowledg­ing the Green New Deal, the task force led by U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and former Secretary of State John Kerry, pledged to have a “goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” in all new buildings by 2030, a faster timeline than put forth by Biden during the primary.

Andrew Yang’s path to economic recovery

What started off as a punchline grew to be taken seriously now in Andrew Yang’s most well-known policy, universal basic income. Americans who have received $600 a week in unemployme­nt benefits rely on it just to keep them afloat amid an economic catastroph­e. The platform endorses the relief.

Police reform

For criminal justice after the horrible George Floyd murder, the task force and the platform seek the House legislatio­n banning chokeholds and withholdin­g police immunity.


The platform vows to undo Trump’s hateful practices of separating families and putting children in cages and decries the bluster about a wall. It calls for an end to the rhetoric of persecutio­n of immigrants, legal and undocument­ed.

Robert Weiner is a former Clinton White House spokesman. Ben Lasky is a senior policy analyst at Robert Weiner Associates and Solutions for Change.


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