Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Poll finds many are shoring up finances

Stimulus payments help some pare down debt

- Josh Boak and Emily Swanson

WASHINGTON – It’s the paradox of a pandemic that has crushed the U.S. economy: 12.9 million lost jobs and a dangerous rash of businesses closing, yet the personal finances of many Americans have remained strong – and in some ways have even improved.

A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that 45% of Americans say they’re setting aside more money than usual. Twenty-six percent are paying down debt faster than they were before the coronaviru­s pandemic. In total, about half of Americans say they’ve either saved more or paid down debt since the outbreak began.

The findings highlight the unique nature of the crisis. Nearly $3 trillion in government aid in the form of direct payments, expanded jobless benefits and forgivable payroll loans helped cushion against the fastest economic downturn in American history. Meanwhile, health fears and mandated closures have prompted many Americans to spend less on restaurant meals, clothing and travel.

About two-thirds say they’re spending less than usual during the pandemic. Since February, there has been a $1.3 trillion jump in money kept in checking accounts – a 56% increase tracked by the Federal Reserve. While the r saving helps to keep families more financially secure, it may also limit the scope of any recovery in a country that relies on consumer spending for growth.

Kent Sullivan, a 68-year-old landscape painter from Orlando, Florida, has been making extra mortgage payments. Sullivan and his wife received $1,200 in direct government payments and hope to own their home free and clear within 18 months.

“Everything goes into extra mortgage payments,” he said. “As an artist, it’s feast or famine. You never know if you’re going to get a big commission or if the gallery does well.”

The findings shed light on a persistent riddle of a global pandemic in which a weakened economy has somehow spared most U.S. families from the worst of the financial toll. Just 37% call the national economy good, down from 67% in January. But 63% describe their personal financial situation as good, largely in line with what it was before the pandemic began more than six months ago.

People’s positive feelings about their own finances might also be helping President Donald Trump as he seeks reelection this November against former

Vice President Joe Biden. About half of Americans, 47%, approve of how Trump is handling the economy. That’s significantly higher than his overall favorable rating of 35%.

But while the initial burst of aid helped Americans, Trump – who touted his ability as a dealmaker – could not reach an agreement with Democrats to keep the money flowing after many of the benefits expired this month.

Alan Vervaeke, 59, from Gilford, New Hampshire, said the Trump administra­tion’s failure to contain COVID-19 has forced the government to take on debt, rather than investing in infrastruc­ture and scientific research that could help growth long-term.

“The American economy is going to come back, but I don’t think it’s going to be as robust,” said Vervaeke, a military veteran who manages software engineers. “We need an actual statesman who can create opportunit­ies for average Americans, instead of politician­s making a lot of promises they may never keep.”

About a quarter of Americans say they’ve been unable to pay at least one bill because of the pandemic, including 14% who’ve been unable to make a rent or mortgage payment, 14% who have been unable to pay a credit card bill and 21% who have been unable to pay another type of bill. Seventeen percent have been unable to pay multiple types of bills.

The downturn has also exposed the depth of inequality in the United States.

About half of Black Americans and roughly 4 in 10 Hispanic Americans say they’ve been unable to pay a bill, compared with about 2 in 10 white Americans. And 66% of Hispanic Americans say they’ve experience­d household income loss, compared with 50% of Black Americans and 44% of white Americans.

Overall, about half of Americans say they’ve experience­d at least one form of household income loss. That includes 23% who say they’ve experience­d a household layoff, 34% who say someone in the household has been scheduled for fewer hours, 22% who’ve taken unpaid time off and 25% who’ve had their wages or salaries reduced.

Brynn Alexander, 36, is cautiously optimistic.

“It’s better than it was in March, a little bit better,” said Alexander, a mother to four girls with her husband, who serves in the Army at Fort Benning, Georgia. “A lot of my friends are getting back to work.”

The AP-NORC poll of 1,075 adults was conducted Aug. 17-19 using a sample drawn from NORC’s probabilit­y-based AmeriSpeak Panel, which is designed to be representa­tive of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondent­s is 4.1 percentage points.

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