Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trying to limit bird strike deaths

Ordinances can prevent fatal window collisions

- Meg Jones Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

It’s 6:30 a.m. and Brad Bumgardner is searching for corpses.

The avid birder travels to downtown buildings on mornings when songbirds are out in full force migrating while using Lake Michigan as their interstate and GPS.

Many see the bright lights shining from Milwaukee buildings but don’t see the glass windows. They smack into the glass and die, or get dazed and fly away to die somewhere else.

He parks in front of the Northweste­rn Mutual Life building, whose gleaming 550-foot-tall tower stands across from Milwaukee’s War Memorial and Art Museum.

Armed with a flashlight, binoculars and smart phone, Bumgardner sets out on his grim task.

“Any bird we find on the ground this morning are bird strikes from windows,” said Bumgardner. “Most who strike a window and fly away, people think they’re OK. But most die later of internal injuries.” Bumgardner doesn’t have to walk far. About 10 steps from his car he sees the body of a hermit thrush on the pavement right in front of an entrance and takes a photo. A few more steps and he spies a stunned oven bird. He gingerly picks up the bird and holds on to it until releasing it farther away from the NML building.

It’s like this every spring and fall during the migratory seasons.

Most songbirds migrate at night because of fewer predators and more stable air. But that also means they see lights in windows and die before they can reach their destinatio­n.

How many are dying in Milwaukee each year? No one knows exactly, but for the last 14 years the Wisconsin Humane Society has sent out volunteers in its Wisconsin Night Guardians for Songbirds (WIngs) group to look for window collision victims and log the number and species.

Nationally the American Bird Conservanc­y estimates 1 billion birds — mostly songbirds, but also creatures from many species — die in the United States each year from collisions with glass.

Since the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimates a population of 10 billion to 20 billion birds in America, depending on the time of year, losing 1 billion is a significant amount, said Bryan Lenz, American Bird Conservanc­y glass collision manager, who lives in Cedarburg.

“Nobody wants to step over a pile of dead birds to go to work, or go shopping or go in your house,” said Lenz.

Making walls that birds can see

Buildings can be made safer for birds. Last month an ordinance went into effect in Madison requiring large constructi­on and expansion projects to use materials and strategies to make them safer for birds. It’s the first birdfriend­ly building law in Wisconsin.

Local organizati­ons like the Madison Audubon Society advocated for the ordinance after monitoring hundreds of birds killed while flying into buildings in the city and University of Wisconsin campus.

Based on the surveys done since 2018 on the UW campus, a glass walkway at Ogg Hall connecting two buildings was retrofitted with 2-inch-by-2inch dots that help birds see the glass, said Matt Reetz, Madison Audubon executive director. The cost? $30,000.

“If you scale that up, it’s quite a bit of money. But it’s a fraction if you plan bird friendly buildings ahead of time and it’s also a permanent solution,” Reetz said.

The Milwaukee Bucks did that when building the Fiserv Forum. At Lenz’s urging, the team, among other things, used a thin ceramic coating on the glass, called fritting, which birds can see and understand that a glass wall should be avoided.

Fiserv Forum was the first pro sports arena in the world to earn a bird collision deterrence credit.

On the other end of the spectrum there’s U.S. Bank Stadium, home of the Minnesota Vikings football team. Several years before Fiserv Forum opened, the Vikings released the design of their new glass-filled stadium in Minneapoli­s and “all hell broke loose,” recalled Lenz. “Everybody looked at it and knew it would be a bad building for birds. Right in front of the giant glass wall they planted an area of trees.”

That meant weary birds looking for a perch would instead run the risk of hitting the building. Lenz cited a University of Oklahoma study that estimates more than 100 birds are killed at the Vikings’ stadium each year.

“I think they’re probably just hoping (the controvers­y) will go away eventually,” said Lenz.

Since the Madison Common Council passed its bird ordinance last summer, Madison Audubon has heard from other cities interested in developing similar ordinances.

Lenz’s goal is to have a similar ordinance passed in Milwaukee, though he has not yet reached out to city officials.

“Not only is it the right thing to do but it makes sense from an economic standpoint,” said Reetz, of the Madison Audubon Society. “There are costs involved, but having tens of thousands of birds dying in your community — it’s not just an ecological problem, it’s something deeper than that.

“People love birds. Birds provide pest

control and they provide mental and emotional benefits. And it’s even moreso in a pandemic with so many more people watching birds,” Reetz said.

More than 100 species counted

Scott Diehl knows intimately how bad it is. The Wisconsin Humane Society’s Wildlife Rehabilita­tion Center director sees hundreds of injured birds brought to his facility in Milwaukee each year. Because so many people are home since the outbreak began, more are hearing the sounds of birds banging into their windows and bringing them to the center.

In late September, the Humane Society’s wildlife center recorded its worst two-day period when around 100 injured songbirds, mostly found outside the U.S. Bank and NML buildings, were brought to the facility.

Wildlife rehabilita­tion center workers went into emergency mode, said Diehl, setting up holding containers for wounded birds in just about every room. Common injuries are concussion­s, central nervous system trauma, broken bones, spinal issues, leg paralysis and eye wounds. Roughly 80% of glass collision victims are nursed back to health and released.

“It’s mostly songbirds. However, we have had well over 100 species admitted over the years from window collisions,” said Diehl. “We’ve had everything from peregrine falcons and red-tailed hawks hit windows, but much more common are the songbirds.”

On its website the Wisconsin Humane

Society has a page dedicated to ways to prevent birds from colliding with windows. Among the suggestion­s are using window clings, bright fluttering ribbons or parachute cord on windows to break up reflections; closing curtains or blinds so birds don’t think they’re flying through a tunnel; installing fine-mesh netting in front of windows; and placing bird feeders farther away from windows.

“One can walk around a big downtown building on a really bad day and pick up 20 bird carcasses. They’re easy to overlook and it’s easy for people to walk past. Or if they even give them a thought, it’s — yeah, it’s a little bird, what a shame,” said Diehl.

“But if they were deer or dogs or cats and there were 20 dead animals, it would be noticed. People see birds and might think they’re everywhere. We’re trying to get people to pay attention to the scope of it,” Diehl said.

Though Bumgardner and other volunteers check for glass strike victims outside the NML and U.S. Bank buildings in downtown Milwaukee, birds are flying into many buildings ranging from skyscraper­s to one-story homes. The common denominato­r is glass.

In response to request for an interview about bird strikes at the NML building, the company emailed a statement:

“Out of concern for migration patterns, during the design process for the Northweste­rn Mutual Tower and Commons we followed the recommenda­tions of a national avian consultant who advised how we might minimize bird collisions. Based on his advice, the Tower follows a ‘lights-off ’ policy during peak migration periods and the exterior glass on the lower floors of the Tower includes a frit pattern, which makes the glass more visible to birds.”

The company also said it is continuing to work with Lenz from the American Bird Conservanc­y “to incorporat­e his recommenda­tions, which have included installing nets in certain areas.”

By late October Bumgardner is mostly finished with his gruesome quest of documentin­g bird strike victims as the fall migratory season ends. As he walked through a glassed-in area between the new and old NML buildings on Wisconsin Avenue he shined his flashlight at netting hung up by the company and said that since it only covers a 20-foot high area, it’s not enough to stop birds from dying.

He shines his flashlight at the netting and sees a little brown bat hanging upside down, blinking in the light. Bumgardner said he has seen seagulls stopping to feast on the dead.

As he talks, a thump is heard right over his head. Then a white-throated sparrow falls to the ground in front of him.


 ?? MEG JONES / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL ?? Brad Bumgardner picks up a hermit thrush that died after flying into a window near an entrance to the Northweste­rn Mutual Life building in downtown Milwaukee on a recent morning. Bumgardner and other volunteers are documentin­g the number of fatal bird strikes at Milwaukee buildings during the fall migration.
MEG JONES / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL Brad Bumgardner picks up a hermit thrush that died after flying into a window near an entrance to the Northweste­rn Mutual Life building in downtown Milwaukee on a recent morning. Bumgardner and other volunteers are documentin­g the number of fatal bird strikes at Milwaukee buildings during the fall migration.
 ?? SENTINEL MEG JONES / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL ?? While checking for the bodies of birds in a small area between the old and new Northweste­rn Mutual Life buildings in downtown Milwaukee, birder Brad Bumgardner heard a white-throated sparrow fly into the glass above him. He carries the body out to document with his camera.
SENTINEL MEG JONES / MILWAUKEE JOURNAL While checking for the bodies of birds in a small area between the old and new Northweste­rn Mutual Life buildings in downtown Milwaukee, birder Brad Bumgardner heard a white-throated sparrow fly into the glass above him. He carries the body out to document with his camera.

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