Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Up north DA’s race has U.P. angle, again

- Bruce Vielmetti Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

Doug Muskett says the first thing many voters asked him when he began running to be district attorney in Iron County was, “Where do you live?”

Questions of residency have dogged incumbent DA Matthew Tingstad ever since he was elected in 2016. Wisconsin law allows nonresiden­ts to run for district attorney, as long as they live in the jurisdicti­on if and when they take office.

Tingstad lived and practiced in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, just across the Montreal River from Hurley, and defeated a Hurley native (who’s consolatio­n was being named circuit judge a year later) to become DA.

Though Tingstad got a Wisconsin law license after he was elected, some wonder if he’s ever really moved to Iron County. Detractors have found that his dismissed Michigan divorce and property tax records suggest he continued living in the U.P. years after he took office, and the place he lists as his local residence appears to be a pole barn at an oil company lot in Kimbell, Wisconsin.

Muskett, a Wisconsin native with a law office in the U.P. who practices in both states, said he’d been renting in Ironwood but moved to Hurley within a week after he decided to run in the August primary. He needed at least 200 write-in votes in order to get on the Nov. 3 ballot as a Democrat to challenge Tingstad, a former profession­al snowmobile­r, who holds the office as a Republican.

Even with the short notice, he got closer to 300 votes. “Two hundred is a lot of votes in Iron County,” he said, where only between 600 and 700 were cast in the primary.

Tingstad, 44, said anyone can question his residency but noted that the state has not — because he’s “legit,” with a state law license, driver’s license, voter registrati­on and kids in Hurley schools.

He said he didn’t want to give a specific address to protect his wife and children and said he still owns his home in Bessemer, Michigan, as an investment property.

“It’s not a contest to see who can live closest to the courthouse,” Tingstad said. He considers himself a native of the area, while Muskett moved here from Missouri and decided to run just weeks before the Aug. 7 primary.

“Is he in it for the long haul?” Tingstad said. “I’ve been a consistent part of the area about 40 years.”

Muskett, 36, already does some public work for Iron County, acting as corporatio­n counsel for civil commitment­s and guardiansh­ips. He said what really convinced him to run was some officials’ concerns that Tingstad wasn’t devoting enough time to terminatio­n of parental rights, or TPRs, and children in need of protective services cases, known as CHIPS petitions, in juvenile court.

Opal Roberts chairs the human services committee of the Iron County Board of Supervisor­s. She said the committee proposed the county hire a private attorney to handle the TPRs and CHIPS cases.

Roberts said human services felt it would save the county money in the long run, since it must pay to keep children in foster care while their cases languish in court and hold up permanent placements for the children.

But the full county board did not approve the request, instead waiting to see the outcome of the election, as Muskett says he would get those cases done, and it would be covered by his DA’s salary.

Tingstad said there’ve only been three TPRs in Iron County in the last 20 years, and he’s done them all, and has more pending.

Muskett said after a Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article about Tingstad in July, people were pressing him to run. The story focused on Tingstad’s fraud prosecutio­n of a retired Iron County sheriff’s deputy and Hurley firefighter over the use of a credit card, and the defense’s claims that Tingstad had acted unethicall­y — even criminally — in pursuing the case.

A special prosecutor has since determined Tingstad should not be charged with misconduct in office, or simulating legal process, and a judge declined to issue a criminal complaint.

The defense still wants Tingstad disqualified, but that motion is pending before a judge from another county, and the underlying case, filed in 2017, doesn’t have a current trial date.

The defendant in the fraud case, Darrell Petrusha, had also filed a complaint with the Wisconsin Attorney General’s Office about Tingstad’s apparent continued Michigan residency, with several documents to back his suspicions. But the state declined to investigat­e, and Tingstad told the Journal Sentinel in July he didn’t want to talk about where he lives.

“Not a single person I know believes (Tingstad) lives in Iron County,” Muskett said. If you’re the DA, he said, “your answer shouldn’t be ‘I don’t want to discuss that,’ it should be ‘Come on over for dinner.’”

Tingstad said if Muskett is making an issue of where Tingstad lives, he must not have any issues with how Tingstad’s performing his job as DA.

Muskett grew up near Manitowoc, went to UW-Eau Claire and got his law degree at Washington University in St. Louis. He practiced a while there before joining his uncle and cousin’s U.P. law office where he does both criminal and civil cases in Michigan and Wisconsin

Tingstad was raised not far from Hurley in Bessemer, Michigan, played junior hockey out west before college at Northern Michigan University, and made enough money as a freestyle snowmobile­r to help pay for law school at the University of Wyoming. After graduation, he returned to the U.P. to practice law.

In some rural areas, district attorney is one of the few steady jobs for a lawyer that doesn’t involve lots of travel. It pays more than $100,000 a year in Iron County. Across the Michigan border in Gogebic County, with about three times Iron County’s 5,600 population, the prosecutin­g attorney earns less.

There are no TV ads and little news coverage about the race, and with COVID-19, not even much traditiona­l doorknocki­ng going on in the campaign. A week from the election, an estimated 1,400 votes of an expected 3,500 or so have already been cast, said Iron County Clerk Mike Saari.

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