Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Can 1 niece visit without the other?


Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: About three years ago my older daughter, “Ashley,” and her friends were caught making fun of my husband’s sister, “Sue,” for being overweight. We had Ashley apologize to her aunt and also had many good talks about bullying and sensitivit­y. I know Ashley, who is now 17, regrets it and has grown into a better person, but Sue hasn’t really warmed up to Ashley again.

Sue has asked us if she can invite our 15-year-old daughter, “Tanya,” to spend a week with her after Christmas. Since Sue lives in New York City this is going to be a big deal, with them seeing the tree in Rockefelle­r Center and other highlights.

When I asked Sue if she would consider inviting Ashley, too, she told me no, she won’t feel comfortabl­e with Ashley in her home and wants this to be a fun, carefree week.

My husband wants to let Tanya go but I want to veto unless Ashley gets to go, too. My husband points out that Tanya, who struggles with her weight, has always been much closer to Sue, and that we can do some fun things with Ashley while Tanya is away. We have been arguing about this for a week now and could really use an outside perspectiv­e. – Arguing

Arguing: Let Tanya go. Your making Ashley’s inclusion a condition of sending Tanya might have made sense when they were little and/or if Sue were being biased or capricious. But, Ashley’s old enough to understand and even be happy for Tanya, and Sue has a valid reason for choosing as she has.

Now, would it be better if Sue reminded herself Ashley was 14 at the time, and – though cruel – still so emotionall­y unfinished that holding a fixed view of her is unfair? And could she have used the realities of adolescenc­e to override her emotional reflex to keep Ashley away? Yes to both. But this is part of the lesson Ashley, I hope, learns from the past three years and beyond: that the laws of “actions have consequenc­es” don’t have a fairness clause. She can’t assume forgivenes­s just because there are grounds for forgivenes­s.

Even without the history, I can make good arguments for the one-niece-at-atime plan. Always sending kids as a package isn’t a favor even to the kids.

I dissected all this because that’s what I do, but, really, you could have changed the backstory to anything and I’d still say: Ashley is 17. She’ll manage – so let her.

Readers’ thoughts:

● Sue may see a solo trip as a way to check in with Tanya and make sure she hasn’t been subject to any bullying from Ashley about her weight, even in the past. There could be an incomplete­ness to Ashley’s growth and regret that Sue sees but you don’t, that can justify her not wanting to invite Ashley to spend several days in her home.

● That Dad brought it up suggests the family may separate people into groups based on weight, consciousl­y or not, which could explain Ashley’s move to bullying of the “other.” Also makes we wonder how Ashley has treated Tanya out of the parents’ hearing. The whole family might benefit from some introspect­ion on this issue.

 ?? Carolyn Hax ??
Carolyn Hax

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