Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Colorado student, scientist named Time’s first ‘Kid of the Year’


LONE TREE, Colo. – A 15-year-old Colorado high school student and young scientist who has used artificial intelligen­ce and created apps to tackle contaminat­ed drinking water, cyberbully­ing, opioid addiction and other social problems has been named Time Magazine’s first-ever “Kid of the Year.”

Gitanjali Rao, a sophomore at STEM School Highlands Ranch in suburban Denver who lives in the city of Lone Tree, was selected from more than 5,000 nominees in a process that culminated with a finalists’ committee of children, Time for Kids reporters and comedian Trevor Noah.

Rao told The Associated Press in a Zoom interview from her home Friday that the prize is “nothing that I could have ever imagined. And I’m so grateful and just so excited that we’re really taking a look at the upcoming generation and our generation, since the future is in our hands.”

Time said in a statement that, along with Nickelodeo­n, it wanted to recognize “the rising leaders of America’s youngest generation” in making the award. For 92 years, Time has presented a “Person of the Year,” and the youngest ever was Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, who was 16 when she graced the magazine’s cover last year. Time said Rao stood out for creating a global community of young innovators and inspiring them to pursue their goals. Rao insists that starting out small doesn’t matter, as long as you’re passionate about it.

Rao’s innovating started early. At age 12, she developed a portable device to detect lead in water. She’s created a device called Epione that diagnoses prescripti­on opioid addiction at an early stage. She’s also devised an app called Kindly that uses artificial intelligen­ce to help prevent cyberbully­ing. It allows teens to type in a word or phrase to find out if the words they’re using are bullying and lets them decide to edit what they’re sending or to proceed.

“And currently, I’m looking back at water, looking at moving things like parasitic compounds in water and how we can detect for that,” Rao said after a day of remote schooling.

She told actress, activist and Time contributi­ng editor Angelina Jolie in a Zoom interview that her science pursuits started early as a way to improve social conditions. The drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan, inspired her work.

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