Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Administra­tion must take new DACA applicatio­ns


NEW YORK – The Trump administra­tion must accept new applicatio­ns for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects some young immigrants from deportatio­n, a federal judge ruled Friday, in vacating a memo from the acting Homeland Security secretary that had suspended it.

U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis said the government had to post a public notice within three days – including on its website and the websites of all other relevant government agencies – that new DACA applicatio­ns were being accepted.

The ruling follows one from November in which Garaufis said Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf was unlawfully in his position.

On Friday, the judge said that invalidate­d the memo Wolf had issued in July suspending DACA for new applicatio­ns and reducing how long renewals were valid from two years down to one year.

Wolf had issued his memo after the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in June that President Donald Trump failed to follow rule-making procedures when he tried to end the program.

Garaufis also ordered the government to put together a status report on the DACA program by Jan. 4.

The Department of Homeland Security did not immediatel­y respond to an email seeking comment.

“Every time the outgoing administra­tion tried to use young immigrants as political scapegoats, they defiled the values of our nation. The court’s order makes clear that fairness, inclusion, and compassion matter,” said New York state Attorney General Letitia James, who led a number of state attorneys general in one of the lawsuits.

DACA, which was started in 2012 during the Obama administra­tion, allows certain young immigrants who were brought to the country as children to legally work and shields them from deportatio­n. Those who are approved for it must first go through background checks and regularly renew.

The Trump administra­tion had announced the end of the program in 2017, leading to the legal challenges that wound up in front of the Supreme Court.

In making its ruling, the Supreme Court upheld DACA, saying that the particular way the administra­tion had gone about shutting it down was improper, but that the president did have the authority to do so.

“Dreamers have fought so hard for justice. For the second time, a court has ordered the administra­tion to resume processing DACA applicatio­ns. It’s time to do the right thing,” Jennifer Molina, a spokespers­on for President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team, said Friday. “On day one, President-elect Biden will ensure Dreamers and their families have the opportunit­y to live their lives free of fear and continue to contribute to our country.”

About 650,000 people are enrolled in the program.

 ?? JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP FILE ?? People rally outside the Supreme Court as arguments are heard in in the case of President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.
JACQUELYN MARTIN/AP FILE People rally outside the Supreme Court as arguments are heard in in the case of President Donald Trump’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

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