Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Trump presses Georgia governor to help subvert election with special session

- Bill Barrow and Ben Nadler

ATLANTA – President Donald Trump fruitlessl­y pressed Georgia’s governor on Saturday to call a special legislativ­e session aimed at subverting the presidenti­al election results in the state as Trump’s fixation with his defeat overshadow­ed his party’s campaign to save its majority in the Senate.

Trump and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp spoke by phone hours before Trump was to appear at a rally in Valdosta, where Republican­s hoped the president would dedicate his energy to imploring their supporters to vote in two runoff elections Jan. 5.

But it remained an open question whether Trump’s first postelecti­on political rally would be a mission to help his party or himself.

Hours before the event, Trump asked Kemp to order the legislativ­e session; the governor refused, according to a senior government official in Georgia with knowledge of the call. A person close to the White House who was briefed on the matter verified that account.

According to a tweet from the governor, Trump also asked him to order an audit of signatures on absentee ballot envelopes from the presidenti­al race in his state, a step Kemp is not empowered to take because he has no authority to interfere in the electoral process.

Trump vented his frustratio­ns on Twitter after the call.

“Your people are refusing to do what you ask,” he complained, as if speaking with Kemp. “What are they hiding? At least immediatel­y ask for a Special Session of the Legislatur­e. That you can easily, and immediatel­y, do.”

Trump’s contact with the governor demonstrat­ed he is intent on amplifying his conspirato­rial and debunked theories of electoral fraud even as Georgia Republican­s want him to turn his focus to the Jan. 5 runoff elections and encourage their supporters to vote.

They’re worried that Trump is stoking so much suspicion about Georgia elections that voters will think the system is rigged and decide to sit out the two races, where Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler are trying to withstand Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, respective­ly, and keep the Senate under Republican control.

In his tweet, Kemp said: “As I told the President this morning, I’ve publicly called for a signature audit three times (11/20, 11/24, 12/3) to restore confidence in our election process and to ensure that only legal votes are counted in Georgia.”

But a recommenda­tion is all he can do; the governor does not have the authority to order an audit in the race. Moreover, the race in Georgia was certified for President-elect Joe Biden and affirmed by the state’s Republican election officials as a fairly conducted and counted vote, with none of the systemic errors Trump alleges.

The president’s aides publicly scoffed at the idea that Trump might do anything at the evening Valdosta rally other than encourage Republican­s to back Perdue and Loeffler.

 ?? PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP ?? President Donald Trump’s contact with the Georgia governor demonstrat­ed his intent on amplifying his conspirato­rial and debunked theories of electoral fraud.
PATRICK SEMANSKY/AP President Donald Trump’s contact with the Georgia governor demonstrat­ed his intent on amplifying his conspirato­rial and debunked theories of electoral fraud.

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