Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Tiffany, Fitzgerald would have voted against Wisconsin electors.

- Craig Gilbert and Bill Glauber Molly Beck and Patrick Marley of the Journal Sentinel staff contribute­d to this report.

two newest congressme­n, Republican­s Tom Tiffany and Scott Fitzgerald, were the state’s only lawmakers to vote this week to overturn Joe Biden’s presidenti­al victory in the key swing states of Arizona and Pennsylvan­ia.

And Fitzgerald and Tiffany both said in interviews Thursday they would have voted to overturn Biden’s victory in Wisconsin as well, had it been subject to a vote.

There was no congressio­nal debate on Wisconsin’s electoral votes because no senator lodged an objection against them in the early hours Thursday morning, only a House member, and it requires objections from each chamber to force a vote.

Both Republican­s recently served in the Wisconsin state Senate and argued that the election in Wisconsin didn’t follow the laws written by the Legislatur­e.

Biden’s victory in Wisconsin was upheld by a recount and numerous court decisions. Democrats and even some Republican­s noted that Congress lacked the authority to override the presidenti­al electors certified by the states.

Fitzgerald said he did not expect to change the election outcome and swing the presidency to Donald Trump by his votes but said, “I was trying to give my voice” to those upset about how the election was conducted.

The former majority leader of the state Senate, Fitzgerald said he was less focused on claims of fraudulent voting than on how the election was administer­ed in the pandemic.

Wisconsin Republican­s and the Trump campaign protested things like clerks filling in the addresses of witnesses on absentee ballot envelopes in cases where witnesses did not provide them, and the increase in the use of the indefinite confinement law, which allows those who have difficulty leaving their home to receive absentee ballots without having to provide a copy of an ID.

Courts rejected challenges based on those issues.

“Listen, there are legitimate concerns that could have had a direct effect, that I think did have a direct effect on the election in Wisconsin,” said Fitzgerald, claiming that there were “changes made systemical­ly to the way the elections are delivered that was absolutely compromise­d in Wisconsin.”

In a statement before the vote, Tiffany accused the state Supreme Court in Wisconsin of failing to uphold the law and claimed without foundation that “unscrupulo­us” officials in Dane County and Milwaukee County allowed “hundreds of thousands of illegal votes to be cast and counted.”

On his votes to overturn the results in Pennsylvan­ia and Arizona, Tiffany said in an interview Thursday:

“The election impropriet­ies were significant in both of those states. Because of the narrowness of those races, it called into question those elections. So I did choose to vote for them, in particular Pennsylvan­ia. Pennsylvan­ia’s system is scrambled right now and they need to get that fixed.”

Had there been a vote on Wisconsin, Tiffany and Fitzgerald would have objected to the very election that gave them their first full terms in Congress.

Both chambers decisively rejected objections to Biden’s victories in Arizona and Pennsylvan­ia, two of the swing states where President Trump baselessly claimed the election was stolen from him.

The push to overturn the election failed as the measures went down and President-elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory was confirmed, 306 to 232.

Every Democrat in both chambers voted against the objections, as did the vast majority of Republican­s in the Senate. But a majority of House Republican­s voted to overturn the popular vote in those two states.

While Tiffany and Fitzgerald supported the objections to Biden’s victory, Wisconsin Republican­s Glenn Grothman, Bryan Steil and Mike Gallagher all voted to reject the objections and affirm Biden’s election.

Gallagher also accused those objecting to Biden’s victory of falsely encouragin­g Trump supporters to think the results could be overturned, culminatin­g in the Capitol riot.

The state’s three Democratic representa­tives — Ron Kind, Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan — also voted against the motions. Kind said supporters of the effort to overturn the election perpetuate­d a narrative that pushed Trump supporters to overrun the Capitol.

Just before Biden’s victory was conWiscons­in’s firmed, a House member raised a challenge against Wisconsin’s votes. But because no senator objected, there was no debate on Wisconsin and no roll call vote.

Fitzgerald said he was expecting Senate Republican Ron Johnson of Wisconsin to lodge an objection against their home state’s electors and was prepared for a vote on Wisconsin.

But Johnson, who had previously announced plans to object to the results in some swing states, ended up backing off his opposition after the Capitol was stormed by Trump supporters. He did, however, sign on to the formal objection of Arizona before the mob action, then in the evening voted in favor of accepting the Arizona slate.

“I thought the debate in the chamber was very good and solidified in my mind what our constituti­onal constraint­s are,” Johnson told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in explaining why he voted against the objection.

In an interview Wednesday, newly retired GOP Congressma­n Jim Sensenbren­ner, a former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, acknowledg­ed the “practical politics” facing many GOP lawmakers in casting their votes.

“If you vote to uphold the certified result of all the states, you’re going to end up being in a world of very expensive political hurt” as a result, Sensenbren­ner said of Republican members of Congress.

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