Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Johnson, Fitzgerald and Tiffany need to go


It was one of Scott Fitzgerald’s first votes in Congress — and he voted to give aid and comfort to an insurrecti­on.

This is what putting Donald Trump ahead of democracy, the Constituti­on and the will of the citizens has wrought, Wisconsin.

Fitzgerald was joined by fellow Wisconsin Congressma­n Tom Tiffany in voting with those who wanted to reject Electoral College votes in Arizona and Pennsylvan­ia, just hours after a band of hooligans roused by Trump stormed the Capitol.

Members of Congress who supported this effort have been dubbed the Sedition Caucus for their role in inciting violence against our government in order to overturn the results of the presidenti­al election that Joe Biden won by more than 7 million votes.

Fitzgerald and Tiffany were the only members of the House of Representa­tives from Wisconsin who joined in this insurrecti­on built upon a foundation of ignorance and lies.

Sen. Ron Johnson decided to vote

against both baseless challenges to the state’s certified votes only after our nation’s Capitol was sacked as Congress gathered to perform its simple constituti­onal duty to recognize the Electoral College vote. But Johnson had been shilling for Trump and this moment for days, adding kindling to the megalomani­ac’s fire, so his last-minute switch does nothing to absolve his role in stoking this shameful day in history.

Johnson is a leading member of the Senate’s Sedition Caucus — led by the odious Josh Hawley of Missouri. This group threatened to challenge the counting of Electoral College votes even though there was no evidence of fraud, even though dozens of lawsuits to overturn the election had failed for lack of evidence in both state and federal courts, and even though all votes had been certified by the states, some after recounts.

Hawley had the audacity to send out a fundraisin­g appeal yesterday as criminals were breaking through windows at the Capitol and streaming in.

After seeing the damage that their deceitful alliance with Trump has caused, Fitzgerald, Tiffany, Johnson and the rest of the plotters should resign their offices immediatel­y.

All three deserve to be expelled when the new Congress is fully seated, just as 10 senators were expelled in 1861 for refusing to accept the will of the voters who elected Abraham Lincoln as our nation’s first Republican president.

What these legislator­s did, along with their would-be king, is as dangerous to American democracy as the actions of secessioni­st lawmakers 160 years ago.

Expel them now — every one of them. We would call for the same action if they were Democrats, denying the results of a fair election and inciting supporters to violent revolt. People of good will in both political parties need to stand up and say enough is enough because government of the people, by the people and for the people is once more in peril.

Trump’s own former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis correctly identified the character of these “objectors” in Congress, including Johnson, Fitzgerald and Tiffany. He called them “pseudo political leaders whose names will live in infamy as profiles in cowardice.”

Johnson, Fitzgerald and Tiffany are cowardly, and they represent a virulent strain of politics that is an existentia­l threat to democracy. In its early days, it was sometimes carried in the bloodstrea­m of the Tea Party movement. But it found its truest expression in the rise and fall of Donald Trump.

Johnson had the delusional obstinance to claim he and Trump bore no responsibi­lity for the mob attack on the Capitol and Congress, which was spurred by their repeated lies and false claims about the election.

They stoked an insurrecti­on against our government and its free and fair elections with the goal of keeping

Trump in power by illegitima­te means. They violated their solemn oaths to support and defend the Constituti­on against all enemies, foreign and domestic. They incited an act of domestic terrorism.

The symbolism of the Confederat­e flag being carried into the Capitol building by seditionis­ts should be lost on no one. An armed mob attacking the Capitol to stop Congress from enacting the decision of voters is our generation’s Fort Sumter.

It is the sort of thing that happens in fragile democracie­s around the world. We didn’t think it could happen in the United States, but now it has, and citizens must recognize this for what it is: A direct attack on our freedom by a leader who believes he should hold the power, not the people.

Underlying all of this is a tribal fury against people targeted as scapegoats — those easy to blame for what’s wrong in the world, who have darker skin, wear peculiar clothes, speak with faraway accents, celebrate different holidays — the unknown, the other, the them against us.

Trump, an amoral bully, understand­s this base instinct well. He has stoked this rage time and again to his advantage. He has baited his followers throughout his presidency with naked appeals to their worst racist tendencies.

From talking of the “very fine people” behind white supremacis­t violence in Charlottes­ville in 2017 to his call for the Proud Boys, a neo-Nazi group, to “stand back and stand by” during a debate with President-elect Joe Biden, Trump has emboldened an ugly vein of hate that has always lived just beneath the surface in American politics. As conservati­ve columnist David Brooks wrote, “There are dark specters running through our nation — beasts with shaggy manes and feral teeth. They have the stench of Know-Nothingism, the hot blood of the lynchers, and they ride the winds of nihilistic fury.”

“The rampage reminded us,” Brooks continued, “that if Black people had done this, the hallways would be red with their blood.”

Instead, we saw mostly Black workers sweeping, mopping and repairing the damage in the Capitol after the mob was finally removed — cleaning up the mess left by Trump’s white rioters, many of whom wore shirts or carried flags and signs blaring their racism, anti-Semitism and misogyny.

Johnson, Fitzgerald, Tiffany and the rest have been Trump’s eager accomplice­s in this most shameful form of politics.

Incoming President Joe Biden has an enormous task before him. He spoke about that task — one we all share as Americans — during remarks from Wilmington, Del., as the Capitol was being overrun.

“The work of the moment, and the work of the next four years, must be the restoratio­n of democracy, of decency, honor, respect, the rule of law, just plain, simple decency, the renewal of politics,” Biden said.

“But today’s reminder, a painful one, is that democracy is fragile, and to preserve it requires people of goodwill, leaders who have the courage to stand up, who are devoted not to the pursuit of power or their personal interests … but to the common good.”

That is exactly what we need — people of goodwill and leaders with the courage to stand up and do the right thing even when it’s politicall­y risky.

We don’t need followers of the least informed and least responsibl­e members of our society.

After the shock of Wednesday, Americans will hold their breath as the final days of Trump’s presidency ends in disgrace.

The terms of Johnson, Fitzgerald and Tiffany should all end with his.

To contact Johnson, Tiffany and Fitzgerald: Rep. Scott Fitzgerald: 202-2255101; Rep. Tom Tiffany: 202-225-3365; Sen. Ron Johnson: 202-224-5323

Editorials are the consensus opinion of members of the Editorial Board of USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin. The board operates independen­tly of the network’s news reporters and editors. Email:

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