Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

When food matters most

Patients enduring cancer treatment sometimes struggle to eat

- Daniel Higgins and Caitlin Shuda Green Bay Press-Gazette | USA TODAY NETWORK – WISCONSIN

Dale Counihan had to have four molars pulled before he could begin radiation treatment. Cheryl Juen stopped drinking her favorite teas because chemothera­py makes them unpalatabl­e. Sue Kirk couldn’t even taste the foods she ate during months of cancer treatment.

Struggles to eat while battling cancer come at a time when patients need food the most.

“We’re finding more research that losing even 5% of body weight can impact recovery,” said Stephanie Nelson, oncology clinical dietitian for HSHS St. Vincent Hospital Cancer Centers in Green Bay.

Andrea Wagner, a clinical nutrition supervisor for Aspirus Riverview Hospital and Clinics in Wisconsin Rapids, works with cancer patients who experience weight loss, changes in taste or eating habits, or if the patient asks to talk with a dietitian.

“Good nutrition is vital for all, but especially during treatment,” Wagner said. “Good nutrition is not the same for everyone, though. For some, it can be eating a variety of healthy foods: fruits, vegetables and whole grains on a daily basis. For others, it might be eating anything they can tolerate, even just ice cream, to get the calories their body needs.”

Dental challenges add calorie barriers

The mouth can become a barrier to getting those calories. Sores, dry mouth and tooth decay are common problems for patients being treated for cancer in the head and neck.

A dental exam is important before beginning treatment, said Jill Meyer-Lippert, founder of Side Effect Support in Manitowoc, to help cancer survivors manage oral side effects, because oral issues need to be addressed before immune systems are weakened during treatment.

“People are taken by surprise by how much the mouth is affected,” she said.

Potential oral side effect warnings can get lost in a storm of informatio­n and emotions upending patients’ lives following diagnosis. After Meyer-Lipper’s father was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease, she said his three-ring binder of informatio­n included a small paragraph about oral health. She searched for that informatio­n because years earlier her mother suffered oral side effects from chemothera­py to treat breast cancer.

Meyer-Lippert learned about managing problems like dry mouth, sores and other oral side effects through reading articles, talking with cancer patients at the dental office where she worked, taking online classes and earning an Oncology Management certificate from the University of Southern Indiana.

Now she counsels cancer patients about oral care regiments and products specific to their treatment to ease pain and prevent problems. Standard toothpaste and mouth wash ingredient­s can irritate sores or make conditions worse, so she works with a patient to find a better option. For other patients it might be getting them to see a dentist or finding a solution that helps them sleep through the night without waking for a drink of water. Furthermor­e a solution might work well at one stage but not the next.

“There is no one size fits all,” she said. “One thing that works for one person doesn’t work for the next person.”

Counihan needed a feeding tube for about six months. That’s when he started watching cooking shows. His wife asked how he could watch those. Counihan said he was living vicariousl­y through them and thinking, “I bet that would taste really good.”

“When you’re going through this crap, you have to keep a sense of humor,” Counihan said.

Through a support group, he said, he knows a number of people who had cancer in the mouth or throat and will need feeding tubes the rest of their lives.

Another side effect will plague Counihan the rest of his life — dry mouth.

“I’m the one in the restaurant who orders the large glass of water, no ice, and a pitcher of water on the side,” Counihan said. “I also carry my own water bottle as I can’t wait for the waitress to get my water before I eat.”

The lack of saliva has also affected Counihan’s taste and what he can eat. Chocolate doesn’t easily melt, especially cheaper brands, in his mouth. Bread absorbs too much moisture. But spicy foods are what Counihan misses most.

“I used to be able to eat semi-hot, hot and spicy foods on a regular basis,” said Counihan. “After my recovery, I can no longer eat spicy foods.”

With less saliva to protect the tongue’s nerve endings, mild

taco sauce is about as hot as it gets for Counihan.

In the past year and a half, after experienci­ng a “dramatic increase in tooth deteriorat­ion” he’s learned that saliva helps protect teeth.

When eating food isn’t fun

It took two surgeries, 12 weeks of chemothera­py and six weeks of daily radiation for Sue Kirk to beat breast cancer. She didn’t experience nausea or the metallic taste she’d been warned about. But three weeks into chemo treatments, about the time she began losing her hair, she grabbed a grape one morning and couldn’t taste it.

Not being able to taste food reduced eating from a pleasurabl­e experience to a daily chore. Necessary, but about as much fun as brushing teeth.

“I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner because it became something I had to do,” Kirk said. “It wasn’t anything I enjoyed.”

Knowing she needed calories but with little joy in flavor, Kirk relied on nuts like cashews and almonds for their high calorie but low sugar content. Texture became a bigger part of food choices.

Patients who lose all taste or taste for comforting foods face another barrier.

“Food is such a personal thing and an emotional thing,” said Nelson. “It’s about figuring out how the person is feeling and reacting and try to spin off what people are used to doing.”

When struggling to maintain weight, she said there isn’t a list of good versus bad foods.

“I get asked for a list of what should I be eating but that’s not my way of operating,” said Nelson. “I start with what they regularly eat then advise.”

And, conversati­ons need to be honest. If a meal plan didn’t work one week, patients or caregivers need to say so. This isn’t the time for misplaced politeness.

“These need to be real conversati­ons that this isn’t going to be perfect and every meal isn’t Instagramw­orthy,” said Nelson. “That’s not life.”

After Kirk’s last chemo treatment, she was hoping her taste would come back. It took awhile, but it did return.

“Oh the deliciousn­ess of the grape,” she wrote the day she could taste again.

Navigating new diets

Cheryl and Bill Juen have learned to navigate new diets after both went through cancer treatments. Bill had advanced prostate cancer in 2017, and Cheryl is being treated with chemothera­py for her third round of breast cancer.

The Appleton couple are united in their goal to eat healthier, but Cheryl’s chemothera­py creates challenges. While her husband eats three meals a day, she eats several small meals now that she’s in treatment. Chemothera­py has also changed her taste and smell, so she avoids some foods altogether. She avoids anything in a can since she is sensitive to the metallic taste.

Wagner said certain chemothera­py drugs can alter taste buds. Some people taste more salt, others can only taste sweet, meat can taste metallic, or all foods could taste like dirt or perfume, she said. In these cases, about half get their tastes back, but sometimes, changes in taste can be permanent. Some people who have hated spinach, apples or beef most of their lives could now enjoy those foods, she said.

If a patient is struggling with taste and is losing weight, Wagner said, she recommends eating anything that tastes good.

“If they all of a sudden love ketchup and nothing else, put ketchup on everything,” she said. “If everything tastes like dirt except milkshakes, drink milkshakes every day.”

Cheryl met a dietitian during her second battle with breast cancer treatments and got a lot of advice on recommende­d foods, smoothies and a suggested protein shake to help her maintain her calories during treatments.

“If a doctor offers you a dietitian, sit with them,” Cheryl said. “Don’t be shy to take that advice.”

Other patients might struggle with weight loss but their tastes haven’t changed. Wagner said she recommends adding high-calorie foods to what they already eat, like adding peanut butter, dried fruit and powdered milk to oatmeal to increase protein and calories.

For patients who are maintainin­g weight, Wagner recommends a plant-based diet. Patients can continue to eat meat, but they should focus the majority of their foods on whole grains, fruit and vegetables. Patients and survivors should avoid processed foods or foods that are high in sugar or salt.

“A car cannot run without gas or fuel,” Wagner said she tells her patients. “Food is the fuel for our body, and it cannot run without it.”

Cheryl and Bill learned a lot about food choices through ThedaCare and the YMCA’s Livestrong and Staystrong programs that focus on physical activity and healthy foods for cancer survivors. The couple has also found books on cancer and eating healthy, and they have talked with a doctor-recommende­d dietitian.

Bill said he started focusing on changing his diet in March and uses Noom, a program to track calories, food and exercise. His routine changed from eating 16to 20-ounce steaks, canned vegetables, potatoes and no breakfast to focus on three healthier meals a day, limiting snacks. He now eats 6- or 7-ounce steaks less frequently, and he chooses more fresh and frozen vegetables, fruit, baked potatoes, yogurt and other healthier options.

Focus on whole foods

Stephen Hittner, one of the owners of Family Natural Foods in Wisconsin Rapids, said they often see cancer patients, survivors and family members in the store asking for advice on foods and supplement­s that might help.

He said diet can be a big contributo­r, and he often recommends broccoli sprouts and gives customers advice on growing their own year-round in their kitchens. Overall, fresh, green vegetables offer a lot of antioxidan­ts and anti-carcinogen­s that can help with overall health.

Some foods may help with pain or underlying conditions, as well, Hittner said. Curcumin, an extract from turmeric, has some anti-inflammatory properties that could help reduce pain, as well as provide antioxidan­ts for cancer patients and survivors.

While some foods can boost immune systems and overall health, others should be avoided. Hittner said there are carcinogen­s in some meats that can be harmful to overall health. If there are warnings on foods to limit intake, people in more vulnerable situations should try to avoid those foods as much as they can.

Hittner said he often tells his customers to look at what their great-grandparen­ts used to eat, and to focus on those foods. Those include less processed foods, fewer nitrates and fewer additives. Cooking from scratch and getting back to the basics are also a good rule of thumb.

For Kirk, the fist step to a healthier diet started by eating more fruits and vegetables. Refraining from regularly indulging in fatty and sugar-laden foods like bacon and chocolate followed.

In the past she didn’t think there was such a thing as too rich or too sweet when it came to food. “Now I would say there is such a thing,” she said. Contact Daniel Higgins Follow @HigginsEat­s on Twitter and Instagram and like on Facebook.

 ??  ?? The various effects of cancer can make food seem unpleasant.
The various effects of cancer can make food seem unpleasant.

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