Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Walker impeachmen­t claim overreache­s

- Eric Litke Milwaukee Journal Sentinel USA TODAY NETWORK-WISCONSIN

Former President Donald Trump is staring down his second impeachmen­t trial in as many years, but uncertaint­y looms over the unpreceden­ted proceeding­s.

That’s because despite 245 years of history and 21 past impeachmen­ts by the U.S. House, the country has no direct precedent for an impeachmen­t trial of a president who has left office.

The House impeached Trump Jan. 13 for his role inciting the Capitol mob on Jan. 6. A trial is set to begin Feb. 8 in the U.S. Senate, but, of course, Trump has since departed the White House, having lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden.

The resulting procedural question has given rise to an array of claims about what exactly the U.S. Constituti­on says on the matter, including one from former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

“The U.S. Senate cannot convict a former President,” the longtime Republican politician said in a Facebook post Jan. 26. He then repeated the sentence nine more times for emphasis. Walker also repeated the claim on Twitter, truncated to four repetition­s due to the 280charact­er limit.

But if 2020 taught us anything, it’s that saying something over and over on the internet doesn’t make it true.

So let’s take a closer look.

Arguments on both sides

Despite the confident assertion from Walker — now president of Young America’s Foundation, which seeks to introduce young people to conservati­ve values — this is far from a settled topic.

The core constituti­onal section here is Article II, Section 4, which says, “The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachmen­t for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeano­rs.” Article I specifies the two potential penalties in play are removal from office and disqualification from holding federal office in the future.

Removal is obviously off the table at this point, but disqualification is relevant given Trump is said to be considerin­g a 2024 run for president.

The nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Research Service dove deep into the precedent and constituti­onal interpreta­tion in a Jan. 15 publicatio­n. It summarized its findings this way:

“The Constituti­on does not directly address whether Congress may impeach and try a former President for actions taken while in office,” the six-page brief said. “Though the text is open to debate, it appears that most scholars who closely examined the question have concluded that Congress has authority to extend the impeachmen­t process to officials who are no longer in office.”

Some key points the publicatio­n lists in support of a trial for a former president:

In 1876, the Senate ruled a former secretary of war could face an impeachmen­t trial for actions taken in office even though he had since resigned (more on this in a bit).

The U.S. impeachmen­t process was set up with the British system in mind, where former officials could be impeached. The framers made many “highly specific decisions about the impeachmen­t process that departed from the British practice” but “chose not to explicitly rule out impeachmen­t after an official leaves office.”

Many scholars have argued simple logic dictates impeachmen­t remain an option. If impeachmen­t didn’t extend to someone no longer in office, any official could elude punishment by simply committing offenses late enough in the term or by resigning once the impeachmen­t process began. And Congress could never bar an official from holding future office as long as that person resigns first.

In the only discussion of the timing of impeachmen­t at the Constituti­onal Convention of 1787, most members took it for granted that the president would be impeachabl­e after he left office.

Former President John Quincy Adams clearly interprete­d this as a non-expiring penalty. While serving as a congressma­n after leaving the White House in 1846, he told Congress, “I hold myself, so long as I have the breath of life in my body, amenable to impeachmen­t by this House for everything I did during the time I held any public office.”

Key points against a trial for a former president

The plain text of the Constituti­on, that “[t]he President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachmen­t ... and Conviction,” could be read literally as only applying to officials who are holding office during impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story wrote in his influential Commentari­es on the Constituti­on of the United States (1833) that impeachmen­t doesn’t apply to officials who have left their position because removal is no longer necessary.

Supporting his claim, Walker leaned on the literal interpreta­tion argument.

“The (constituti­onal) language does not refer to a former President,” Walker said in a statement to PolitiFact Wisconsin. “Furthermor­e … the language clearly defines the judgement as ‘removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office’ and it does not separate the two issues. The judgement is both, not either or.”

We’ll note this and/or argument falls flat, however, as it flies in the face of history. The Senate has convicted and removed eight officials, but it chose to ban only three of them from holding future office. If the two were inextricab­ly tied as Walker suggests, all eight would have been banned.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is among those who have leaned on the logic argument.

“It makes no sense whatsoever that a president or an official could commit a heinous crime against our country and then defeat Congress’ impeachmen­t powers … by simply resigning,” Schumer, D-N.Y., said on the Senate floor on Jan. 26.

Mitt Romney, the only Republican senator to vote to convict Trump in his first impeachmen­t, told CNN Jan. 24, “I think it’s pretty clear that the effort is constituti­onal,” based on legal opinions he has reviewed.

John Fortier, a specialist on Congress at the American Enterprise Institute, told PolitiFact National the problem is that “the constituti­onal language is not specific either way.” He noted Schumer and Republican Rand Paul, R-Ky., both cited constituti­onal passages in arguing the two sides.

1876 case may provide key precedent

Historical precedent is of particular importance when the Constituti­on doesn’t specify a course of action, and there is some in this case.

The highest-profile suspension of an impeachmen­t process involved President Richard Nixon. No Senate vote was taken because Nixon resigned after an impeachmen­t vote from the House.

The remaining possible penalty — a ban from holding federal office — didn’t apply since Nixon had already served two terms, making Senate action moot. That also makes the situation a poor analogue for the pending Trump impeachmen­t.

An 1876 case provides clearer parallels, however.

William Belknap, secretary of war under President Ulysses S. Grant, was brought up for impeachmen­t by the House, but he hastily resigned hours before the House voted to impeach him.

When the matter moved to the Senate, Belknap argued the Senate had no jurisdicti­on since by the time the impeachmen­t vote came up he “was, (and) ever since hath been, and now is, a private citizen.”

The Senate disagreed. By a roll-call vote of 37-29, the Senate ruled Belknap was “amenable to trial by impeachmen­t for acts done as Secretary of War, notwithsta­nding his resignatio­n of said office before he was impeached.”

In the end Belknap was acquitted, with 22 of the senators who supported acquittal saying they did so on the grounds his resignatio­n barred impeachmen­t. So the Senate conclusion was not unanimous or unambiguou­s, but it was passed and supported by the majority of the body.

Wrapping it up

Applying Belknap to the present situation, there’s a case that the argument for trying Trump is even stronger than for Belknap, since Trump was impeached by the House while he was still in office, noted Brian Kalt, a law professor at Michigan State University, who wrote a 2001 paper on the subject.

But there’s an even simpler argument for this being constituti­onal: The current Senate said so.

In a similar vote to that on Belknap’s objection, the Senate on Jan. 26 voted 55-45 to table an objection from Paul that a trial of a private citizen violates the Constituti­on.

Constituti­onal matters in this vein are traditiona­lly left to the branches of government to interpret on their own, rather than relying on the courts, the Congressio­nal Research Service says. It described the tradition this way:

“The Supreme Court has noted not only that ‘each branch of the Government must initially interpret the Constituti­on’ when performing their ‘assigned constituti­onal duties,’ but also that once one branch develops a constructi­on of its own powers, that interpreta­tion ‘is due great respect from the others.’ This principle of developing constituti­onal meaning outside of the courts is especially applicable in the context of impeachmen­t, where the manner by which the House and Senate exercise their powers has been largely immune from judicial review.”

Our ruling

Walker said on social media “The U.S. Senate cannot convict a former President.”

There is constituti­onal ambiguity on this point. That’s something the Democrat-led Senate itself will decide as it steps into new historical territory considerin­g the impeachmen­t of a president after leaving office.

But we know at this point in history it’s an overreach to claim this is a settled matter, as Walker does here. If anything, the needle is pointing in the other direction based on the prepondera­nce of legal opinion, Senate precedent and the Jan. 26 vote.

We rate this claim Mostly False.

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